I do not really understand anything, to get good handwriting, imagination is useless, the right path is that of "bullshit", the larger and dopate, the more you have the opportunity to have the first page in society. reported today the Duke
), invade the private sphere and do not mean just as emotional and family, I refer to your health, so that now you can get to quantify and bet on how many possibilities have yet to life the great Steve Jobs. When's the next Toto-Bara?!
It continues to repeat that now you have exceeded all limits, which we have fallen so low, so low that we are at the bottom. It seems to me rather that you are continuing to dig, dignity and morality are now buried.
Meanwhile, we try to retrieve the articles that I have not replicated from paper to web. Here's what I wrote January 9, 2011, say an appetizer of what could happen by 2012 onwards ... Ready to receive insults ?!;-)
I opened up the water, ready to flush the toilet ;-)
"Change All to change nothing, Leopard is the finance, the direction is Goldman Sachs, and then we can (we) believe it. And 'a few days ago that Goldman has invested 50 million in Facebook and has placed the company's securities at the bank's wealthiest clients and hedge fund related. Rest assured that Facebook will end up in a few months on the market well-inflated and there will be trimmed actions ready to burst in his hand. Nothing will ever be (they said), as long as everything is the same. We repeated the political, economisti, gestori di borsa con ferite e cicatrici ancora calde, ma sappiamo bene che la borsa ha la memoria corta e dopo un anno e mezzo di recupero iperbolico che ha lasciato il pubblico tra lo sbigottito e lo sbalordito, si riparte con le campagne di reclutamento con i soliti slogan: Bob Doll (guru di Blackrock) prevede uno S&P500 in forte rialzo fino anche a 1350; Mary Chris Gay (Legg Mason) è ancora più ottimista prevedendo rialzi per Wall Street fino al 30%; il carico però lo mette l’immortale Goldman Sachs che si converte ad un forte ottimismo sia verso l’economia USA, sia in Wall Street prevedendo rialzi al 20%. Persino il Sole24Ore si è fatto trascinare nel vortice rialzista, tanto che la prima pagina di Mercoledì January 5 was titled "Aria of recovery for the dollar and Wall Street." With all this show of confidence, at least, would want to sell everything and put the money in a safe, but it was in May last year, when the world seemed to capitulate under the attack of speculation about bad debt here we started a campaign for promoting growth of the scales. Dax, London, Wall Street, emergency bags were up, but we need at the Milan Stock Exchange and as I wrote in the previous issue, for this to happen we need a place on the financials, and I believe it! The most observant will have noticed that in the first week of this new year, many individual stocks have mossi con il turbo, infatti sono numerosi i rialzi a due cifre sul nostro listino e questo è sicuramente un segno di vitalità che dovrebbe espandersi nel corso dell’anno.
Ma dalle profondità delle caverne londinesi, un Orso Grizzly bramisce , il suono è potente, il suo nome è Albert Edwards, capo stratega di Dresdner Kleinwort, le sue profezie catastrofiche, tanto da coniare il termine “ERA GLACIALE” per descrivere un’epoca di decenni perduti per l’economia e la finanza. Secondo Edwards peggio deve ancora venire: “questa crisi durerà 19 anni e si spalmerà su 4 recessioni, fino ad ora ne abbiamo avute solo 2. Le borse ritorneranno ai minimi di Marzo 2009”. I suoi clienti sono tired of his doomsday predictions, and now call it an old, sclerotic and dangerous.
But I do not snubbed, even agree on its future pessimism, but before we check to see the horns of Taurus and illusions of a new bull cycle, only then will we be blinded and fall into the void ... "
Posted by Buddy Fox an agreement that is not convincing and that now is taking away the scepter to the (former) Queen of the phones. Nokia STM had taken all the dignity, life and life itself, brainwashed, almost iponitazzata love Finn.
STM for Nokia (or for ELISA) did everything, and eventually suffered and they paid more and STM. If Nokia churns out successful models, including STM you can sell and make money and survive. Leaves you and you will restart only when she wants. Live, live, live is no longer live without her you can not breathe.
Today, reality shows us that the relationship changed, no longer dependent STM, STM lives and runs on its own, perhaps clinging to Apple, or Dell's situation, the reality that any excuse, any news is good to go.
Obviously it is not every day you climb, always and forever, but today we live, regardless of whether others are better or worse, and on every down, until now, it always creates an opportunity that both accumulation of new purchase or trading. In recent days, I tried changing the interpretation of STM corpontamentale and character, to read it you just click above.
STM lives, runs, is happy, even without Nokia Elisa
;-) PS. And then I see that for the first time my FEED share exceeds 40, uuuurca! Even if you do not know what they do and how it works ;-)
Posted by Buddy Fox
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