Saturday, March 12, 2011

Don't Use Pitching Machine

gathering weeds for lunch

Often in the morning we take a stroll outside,
but at times the book is too interesting,

and the stove gives a warmth that you can not give up easily ...

but we are many and the company is missing:
dog, cat, a child of 5 years and a girl of 10 is already quite a handful!
First meeting: a visit to one of our fruit trees to observe their buds
and imagine the ripe fruits

The apricot is almost ready to bloom ...

peach instead only now beginning to show us round the hair of his fruit buds ...

the mulberry tree but it still seems dormant, but his gems, so hidden
are inflating, taking a purple

and the cherry tree that seems to swell every day is an illusion: he shows us
le gemme gonfie ma le gemme da fiore non sono per nulla pronti.

Adesso siamo arrivati alla nostra meta (e il bimbo che leggeva si è interessato alla nostra escursione):
 l'orto è una fonte ricchissima di tarassaco (girasole)
che noi intendiamo mangiare per inizio i bimbi piu piccoli, si scoraggiono:
"ma mamma, non ce ne sono" e si mettono a litigare per scavare quell'unico che trovano tutti insieme.

Ben presto però, si rendono conto che è una caccia a un tesoro molto generoso ed abbondante 

and everyone is quiet, interested in what is and is not always that green and hidden map:
there who finds a snail - "but that slimy! What doing there? "
and who saves the worm is wrapped around the roots of the dandelion
who discovers the first violets -" but why do not smell after a bit more? "
who is surprised at the tenacity of survival that has the plant dandelion
- "but how can you be so stuck in the wall?"
and who provides answers - "The dandelion has tiny seeds
flying and so are able to get to places you would not think possible "(response to 10enne 7enne)
there who discovers the inside of the buds of sunflowers have each sow ready
-" but it seems The artichoke heart "
" is already yellow in it ... how is it possible, mother? "

How many things are learned in a moment as simple as gathering the weeds from your garden?

are moments so that satisfy the psychological difficulty of going against the current, taking their children home rather than send them to school. But does not end there ... any time of day is a time of learning and after being washed and cooked, James announces "I like to collect but not eat them - I'll let you eat me, Mother," but this year shanti like them, and eats them willingly dandelion is a vegetable a little bitter, and you learn to appreciate over the years. Do not we need to encourage them to eat, much less force, the simple act of collecting and taste them with joy to see us, year after year will be the incentive for winning.

(watercolor on Etsy GinetteCreations )


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