Friday, March 11, 2011

Sayings About Diamonds

NOT ALL BAD - Earthquake and tsunami in Japan is expanding to the rest of the world?

"Hello Buddy, I just finished reading the report on Bulgaria on the blog, someone will be able to 'think maybe you're not good, I think differently from them, but no one can' doubt the Your consistent and honest 'intellectual, is not uncommon, but impossible to find these days, how many ride the famous "I told you so"? Matthew

I wonder, but there is still those who believe human infallibility and that everything is predictable? There were no buy signals or between the graphics nor between the fundamentalists and even the media world. Not even a shriek on a possible opportunity, even a hint of luxury in the world and in particular BULGARI, everything was silent. Not to mention the advice of investment banks, see below.
This news is from yesterday morning:
Bulgari, Citigroup raised its rating to neutral from sell
While this is cool cool of the day: Bulgarian , Unicredit raises its rating to neutral from sell previous There is only one way to anticipate these things, or rather two, one is my only quality e la mia arma segreta: il cu... ops, la Fortuna!;-) Il secondo ce lo insegnò Gordon Gekko in WALL STREET (il primo), ma sembra sia illegale;-) quindi impraticabile. The bag is often paradoxical, what we buy is expensive and risky, just because it is launched in an illusory and inifinito upside, while we are afraid of everything that goes at a discount, that comes down and becomes incredibly appealing. We should bring back the much-despised "housewife Voghera" unsurpassed among the market stalls, it could also be held in the precincts of ... Posted by Buddy Fox already fascinated by the universe of women, originality and inventiveness of Amanda Lear and the immense capacity of the protagonists of the program: women. "W the women" was not only the title of a successful program, but a hymn, a slogan that is repeated over the years, but as often happens in this lethargic, tired and traditionalist country, nothing has changed, a lot of praise for women , words, words and deeds? In concrete, it seems that little has changed, it still celebrate the March 8, the "Women's Day, a day filled with praise, adulation and exaltation, and then as a Suffle, it deflates. One day the female population is the confirmation that Italy is still basically a male-dominated country. Where is the empowerment of women? In control of your body? I do not think, indeed it seems a childish illusion, especially in the society of appearances, where the media raping, abusing, raping female beauty at the expense of appearance of a time, mortifying the spontaneity of being subjugated dall'imperante constriction appearing.
And 'maybe nudity chosen real achievement? Or even this is apparently a victory? My uncle, a true playboy, always told me: "remember that they are always girls in ...", and he was right, the illusion of conquest is left to us kids, but remains an illusion, a gift that we are given
;-) In reality and in everyday life, women dominate, are the queens, they have the scepter, but in the corridors of power, the roles are reversed, women are relegated to the "right of way."
But in Italy there are many women who continue to fight, exiles on the planet "bunga bunga", women who know the sacrifice, which does not mar her beauty for the illusion of a moment, that does not contaminate your body, but still clinging to the spontaneity, not street orgy media, remains proud of its originality, because each is special just for being unique, with their pros and cons, but essentially Queen of her uniqueness. One of these is
LUCIA GORACCI, journalist TG3, competent, fresh, bright and above all crazy in love with his passion, tireless presence, contemptuous of danger. I admit, is one of my favorites, I remain captivated by its staff, its scent of knowledge, nurtures the desire each report, an addictive rush. A sacrifice that few can afford, an energy diverse activities that only women are capable of providing ...

Posted by Buddy Fox Quoting the U.S., happened to me in the eyes of my darling COEUR D'ALENE. Introduction, re-reading what I wrote in "10 FUCK BUDDY" I confirm that despite the turmoil, I do not think a powerful rally of gold in 2011. I translate, I do not think that gold is an attractive investment for this year, maybe there will be some snort, but I think that will stand for a while 'time, every move I believe will be a trap. And Silver? Too high! As capital goods has always attracted me more than gold, has more appeal and more power, but now is too high and I do not want to commit suicide, at least for now I will not even kill myself ;-) I look COEUR D'ALENE MINES , Mine is gold for silver, you want more, there is everything in there ... I've reported at $ 10, then $ 16 and then even on the $ 20 ... has now touched $ 35 in just two years more than tripled. With this title I felt happiness and intoxication, but also with my counterpart incazzature bank ... Buy again? If you ask me, do not be offended if you do not answer ;-)))
Posted by Buddy Fox and for those who have in the portfolio, it opens exciting week, congratulations you won the Lotto! Your winning package was the "Your Business".
You choose between the games that are all the rage in recent years, the gain instant it arrived. I am not exaggerating, there is talk of a 3-digit profit! Even among ordinary mortals, a BULGARI small shareholders, we can not complain, the rise of +56% today, being fashionable, is a luxurious gift.
I laugh to keep from crying. Every night, diligently and patient, I make a Carello of all 40 stocks in the FTSE MIB (think of how I became Pallos!), Giving a quick glance, mentally divide the titles that you find interesting and which to avoid, including There is also BULGARI, every time I arrived at this title I thought, "is nice, but I do not trust" ... Here are just a good analyst, you know?! Especially with a big nose !;-)))
This is a whim that I would take off before closing this short career, career rather than, say, experience ... have the option of a title that ends in the OPA, it was my specialty before the age of Internet, the last one was MANESMANN was exciting and intriguing, was used as the nose and head, rather than graphics, different assumptions and algorithms . Another time, which are still attached.
strange, anywhere, newspapers, internet, analysis, are BULGARI hints as to a possible prey, or simply as a way palatable to buy, even willing to learn, I'd like to see the latest reviews of business houses on the title of luxury, expect to find any "BUY"?! Tomorrow we will find news of all kinds, so much to do indigestion, but it's past ... On
BULGARI total silence, while up to take PININFARINA case, the noise and clamor, and still nothing has happened ... I repeat the same message, but in the end, I still find denial, things repeat themselves ... I always think that the sophistication to help distinguish yourself, maybe you'll make it fine, but in the end, are the classic, simple to bring the result.
All my compliments to those who have "caught" the title!
Posted by Buddy Fox dedicata specialmente ai nostalgici, ai lettori di lunga data... Per i nuovi, potrebbe essere una piacevole scoperta. Scusatemi, ma io non l'ho ancora comprato, quindi non so darvi altri particolari, ma è una delle poche volte in cui mi compiaccio di quello che ho scritto. Perdonatemi, che dire, son fatto così... son fatto male;-)
Pubblicato da Buddy Fox instead? We're back to 1.40. The dollar was stronger would break out whenever a crisis. Am I wrong or Libya "surrounded" with Europe? Grants heel, and the EURO? Salt, salt again, against the yen against the Swiss Franc, and especially against the dollar. That setback, the skeptics and the bears should still licking their wounds. E 'for more than 15 years following the currency market, and frankly I've never seen a market as difficult to interpret, but this is almost a cliché, when it has never been easier to make a prediction? The only easy is always just one yesterday! A look overall, it seems to me that we are in great congestion, lateral movement, later a powerful directional movements, mainly due to the enormous and laborious digestion: the deleveraging. Taking
consistently what I wrote late last year in "TEN FUCK BUDDY" (the "FOX 10 Buddy"), from 1.39 / 1.40 up, the buyer will return the $
, without believing revise the minimum of Spring 2010, for the moment I believe in a reaction of the dollar, due to the strength of the U.S. economy and the attacks and the weak euro. Today the first test at the exit of U.S. unemployment.

Posted by Buddy Fox Very volatile day than yesterday, especially at the Milan Stock Exchange, as Central Europe, has just spun on the news about interest rates, Trichet is that of an ad that is not surprising, as there had already written, the finger was already on the trigger for a long time, and trembling now, as the first appointment of love, can not wait to arrive, and monetary inflexibility, Trichet, the ECB, the Germans, are incurable lovers. London is full of skirmishes isinteressata to Europe, also because, being more connected to America, followed perfectly, the unexpected surge on Wall Street. Milan Stock Exchange has suffered most of all, perhaps because of the bank, perhaps because of Concerns about interest rates, given that we are still labeled as one of PIIGS, and countries at risk, even if, in fact, the only bag that has accompanied our weakness, has been to Madrid. No Athens, Dublin and even a fall in the trap that smells so. E 'for this reason that I want to follow the primary trend (bullish), rather than getting lost in the short and unnerving zig zag, not profitable, very harmful, especially for the state of mental health.
The only thing that bothers me this incipient Toro, slightly soiled by the mud-slinging North African (black spots and oily), is the surge of the Nasdaq yesterday, today released the data on unemployment USA, always (never more than now) much-anticipated, rising expectations of the past increases and this makes me fear a "sell the news". The alternative? One thing that is disappointing after the strong fall in prices and then recover, or another bullish gap that would lead thousands of doubts and concerns. Uncorked or tear?! Very hard, but I would head the horns of Taurus, which goes bad, since it is still carnival, I will turn to be a Viking, even if the Swedes are increasingly out of fashion ...
We continue with the publication of the numbers appeared on the newsstands,'m back, I recall, what I propose today I wrote on January 16, the issue focused on the bubbles of the past, coupled with that flash that was ... Pininfarina. Remember? In the forum was written by Bolloré, messages flowed more electricity than in the central Enel. Here, however, the voltage is lowered, released on 7, I declared to be very cautious, "buy when the stock returns to scrape under 6 € ...". It 's been over a month, the title is back in hibernation, we came back around 6 €, and here again the work of accumulation, relying on next steps, because the game is not abandoned, or rather has just begun. .. "The bubble of tulips, with a graphic example Gordon Gekko catechizes the young Jakob, showing how would be absurd, but at the same time greed, humanity before the money. That of the tulip bubble was the biggest in history, when one bulb had come to claim as a home, and then miserably collapsed, ruining entire families. In the crisis of 2008, an army of savers, swore he would never be back in stock, many have thought, "if my titles back at par, and never go out!" Maybe they were disappointed by the same sboom of the Internet bubble? And they were the same as the crash of 1987? I think not, at that time the small investors were very rare. Feelings, as we know, wind-blown fly, this happens in life, even more in stock, and does not take much to transform the anger and despair, euphoria at first, and later eager greed. We were really very few, at the dawn of 2009, rising to believe in this, but some momentum was enough to thrill, to turn what appears to be a dangerous irrational exuberance. Pininfarina is the first object of the blaze, the title in early 2011 this is going on a long dormant minds. Like many Indians, the traders throwing smoke signals, we are going back in the big valley, the meeting place of the forum are financial, as drums, have laptop computers, where tapping their emotions and download adrenaline. Pininfarina flies, anger e la disperazione, sono ricordi lontani. Mercoledì 12 il titolo vola in apertura a +14%, ennesima sospensione al rialzo, siamo a 7,50, io vendo, Buddy Fox esce con una forte plusvalenza. Ero entrato nel titolo ad inizio anno, mi ero ripromesso di comprare il titolo migliore della prima seduta del 2011, ed ora con un +70% esco. Nei forum sono galvanizzati, Pininfarina andrà a 12! Chiamate gli ospedali e preparate molte barelle, arriveranno presto i primi feriti.
Pininfarina chiude la giornata in ribasso, con un’escursione superiore al 20%, ma i piccoli indiani non demordono, arriverà Bollorè, no saranno i cinesi a farci volare. E’ straordinario come cambi il pensiero comune della gente, per gli imprenditori The Chinese are the enemy, for traders are the saviors, but as we know, savers have no flag, no country, but one banner: the money. Pininfarina
after a few flourishes, finds its equilibrium point in zone 6, my first target will now have to park, wear down even the most hardened, and if he keeps this area will soon resume the race, we can get up to 9. Bolloré or China, I do not know what the real motives, the reality is that in the incipient rise soon overwhelm us. Pininfarina will be just one of many issues that will enliven the many small Indian relive a new euphoria. Buddy Fox said: "Life is condensed in a few moments, and this is a!
BOILER ROOM: FIAT has made us rejoice in the second half of 2010, but is now set aside, the real challenge is the revival of the bank; SOPAF Wednesday, 12 we did enjoy a +22%, but for yours is the only 'beginning, I expect a rise in fireworks, that I add a zero percent; ISAGRO could be one of many stars, not for nothing that belongs to the STAR segment, over € 4 will fly. "

Posted by Buddy Fox marketing and superficial excitement, this is not a commercial site, but to share, debate, knowledge, information ... widening cultural ?!;-) Do not laugh, I exaggerate! Introducing the idea of \u200b\u200bXavier, you know, investigate, judge, to him, at least try ...
"Hi everyone! First I would like to thank the legendary Buddy for giving me the opportunity to present here in his "home electronically. My name is Xavier Aiolfi, and I write from the realm of mist and salted pork, the trading is my main occupation for about 8 years. I will not dwell on my professional history, since it can be read on my blog, but I will confine myself to the essentials. After ups and downs, which led me to experiment and use various operating techniques, a couple of years ago I started to work on some trading systems in order to find a strategy that could give unambiguous trading signals that leave no room for doubt of interpretation. The goal? Eliminate as much emotional and subjective aspects in the decisions of buying and selling of securities. This is because, being a person who likes to act freely, I naturally bring this feature also in operations in the markets, which in the long term is detrimental to the performances, at least for me. Il sito di riferimento è il mio blog: SEGNALI DI TRADING dove si trovano anche i recapiti per contattarmi. Una cosa che apprezzo di Buddy Fox nel suo lavoro e che condivido in pieno è il fatto di non chiedere nulla in anticipo, ma di farsi pagare solo a risultati raggiunti; in conseguenza di ciò anche nel mio servizio non esistono abbonamenti o altre forme di pagamenti anticipati, ma solo pagamenti correlati alle performances effettive ottenute.
Ringrazio ancora per lo spazio concessomi e vi invito a visitare il mio blog; se non interesserà il servizio almeno vi sarete fatti quattro risate leggendo le perle di comicità demenziale sparse qua e là nelle varie sezioni del sito. Fanno parte del mio modo di essere, non potevo non metterle!!
Dott. Saverio Aiolfi"
Probably this is the formula for the elixir of life, in everyday life and in trading, there is a winning formula, a distinctive style, a particular quality and specific elements absolutely harmful and damaging or otherwise benefits altogether. This is good or this is bad, ever, maybe no, but anything can be good for the individual, whatever may be the right ... "Whatever Works."
Posted by Buddy Fox who? To you investigate, it is not that difficult, the reports of recent months are very few, and we hope that is not a bathroom ... A later, Buddy Fox Posted by Buddy Fox


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