Friday, December 31, 2010
Meaning Of Plastic Colored Bracelets
years I wanted to wish you a "cleaner" and lighter! Let go of the weights, weights that pollute and out. I suggest two things: the first in pictures, the white deaths, from the movie "The Sea". A beautiful monologue to hope that 2011 is the year of safe work and for all. The second is an article by writer Mark Lodoli to greet poetry in the plastic bag!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Page XXI - Rome
Farewell but bullying plastic bags in the back there was even a little 'poetry
----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
(continued from the first record)
Even we, fortunately, someone has just learned not to waste, not to sow the world of plastic obscene, stick to shopping in a shopping cart. In short, we all agree, deplastifichiamoci! Yet, in hiding, ashamed of his rudeness, for a sentimental barbaric and asocial, a tiny part of me stops to remember ... something back from the past, with the colors of vague nostalgia. Scattered images, ugly, beautiful, full of plastic bags.
This time it was raining cats and dogs and a girl that is no more we tied at the top two supermarket shoppers, and the water tapping on the thoughts and laughed. And that time on the steps of a church near the Termini Station, and talk for an hour with an old bag lady who kept all his life in four plastic bags, clothing, food, but also photos of his youth, when all was different. And those races on a Vespa, with a bag attached to the hook of Sellone books, wonderful books to take home, chased and found books and half price on a stand: a lot of poetry in one envelope! And the wet bathing suit and cap for the hair inside the plastic bag at the end of a long swim at the end of an infinity pool. And those vague yet extremely precise assessments economic without the fly on the number of supermarket shoppers: "First with the money I brought home three bags full of stuff, not even two hours, damn it!" And that time in the house, when in front of the dumpster overflowing in front of those nauseating piles of bags piled up at random, I felt the weight of the metaphor, the truth of what Montale called the objective correlative, and I thought: I want a different life, better Thanks for the warning, ladies bags.
And now farewell, envelopes of our life, full of all our junk, goodbye forever from today we will be cleaner, clearer, more Swedes.
ps Giovanna Iorio
How can we not think of "American Beauty" ... we salute the plastic bag with this wonderful video in which a plastic bag is a force for good, a little girl who dances ...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Mail Message To Phish
I miss you! You've made it to Christmas?
You bought, wrapped, rejected, looked, walked away from a hundred small Christmas gifts to say?
How do you feel after the binge, the long phone calls, after spending hours to send messages with the new iphone touch screen to write wishes it takes a quarter of an hour?
How many of you have had time to get out for a walk, maybe in the country?
You are surrounded by the white of the snow or the heat of a tropical island?
You have already returned home or are about to get on the road?
Have you had a vision of what will happen in 2011? Have you already read the provisions of your astrological sign?
You're still good or really evil back from a few minutes?
You are those who hope in spite of everything, or are those who are desperate after all. Have you eaten the cake or Pandora?
and slices cut the vertical or horizontal? The real
nougat is soft or hard? Discarding
gifts in-laws mock surprise you or were you really surprised? What is
the most useless gift you received?
You are offended that they got right to you or you feel special?
high heels shoes, black velvet will be used to conquer it to get away from him forever? The red scarf
again, you've already thought of making a patchwork quilt?
Among the resolutions for 2011 is also to never ask for more at the bar "A Moroccan glass?
of you dreaming of spending New Year's Eve with Assange? You know
answer 10 questions asked Berlusconi to a year ago by The Republic? Students have also thought about the Gelmini on Christmas Day? The Thirteenth
helped you to be happier, or the Money does not bring happiness?
sparkling wine or champagne on your table?
Is it true that Swiss chocolate is not fattening?
Roberto Saviano has seen his family for Christmas?
If the star was not a comet but three planets in conjunction who tells us that Jesus was not born anywhere else?
Or he's going to be born anywhere else?
So the year ends with many questions and it is good, because a world without questions is a silent planet who mind their own business in a starry sky.
Congratulations to all the Friends of Reading! Thank you for another year of friendship.
I announce that from 2011 will change a bit 'out our blog, hoping to get involved Moreover, transformation, if possible, many friends of scripture!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
How To Open A Smart Car Bonnet
Friday, December 17, 2010
Matching Patterns On Drapes
Joan Iorio
Speak the sky
white words words words
lens that rest on the benches to hold
winter garden suddenly naked
only Yesterday
dress the tree looked at me through the glass
amazed, its pupils an application pending as a staple
when will the wind?
the black sky came the snow
light as a childhood dream the night
di Natale
l’albero si è riempito di parole
mute, appese ai rami
scintillanti come ami.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Dental Equipment Names
La foto che vi mostro (Da La è un'immagine di Roma di questo pomeriggio. Gli scontri in pieno centro, i disordini, i feriti: se sempre l'ingiustizia si trasformasse in fumo nero, forse dovremmo abituarci ad un cielo di petrolio.
C'è un re senza sudditi
che non vuol ascoltare
fuori gridano
nuvole nere
oscurano il sole
C'è un popolo senza sovrano
che non vuole morire
dentro gridano
black voices
darken the sea.
Cruising Spots In Austin
I have to go more often to the zoo. I often return from Bioparco with stories and anecdotes to tell and share. Some sad (see The Critics' Corner) other very special.
I have a soft and simple story that I hope makes you smile and a little 'surprise.
There 's been this way: I was in front of the hippos with my family when my attention was caught by a mother who watched her child with questioning eyes.
The little girl, maybe four years, stood in front of a beautiful peacock on whispering to her little words indecipherable.
The peacock was walking and the girl followed him, always whispering to her little words still.
At one point I heard what he said: "Come peacock, here I am, I am a woman! - Come peacock, here I am, I am a woman!" What
mysterious phrase, we say so and the mother of the child, with a look to shrink DIY.
And so, as my family, tired of hippos go towards hummingbirds and eagles, I have been listening to the conversation.
"Love, but why do you say to the peacock: come, here I am, I am a woman! ?"
My children were now light years from me, their dad away from me asking for help, imploring, "Come here I am, I am a man" with eyes urgent who needs a hand or children fly off the Cuckoo's Nest ... But I had to hear the answer! Here it is, was there almost! "So the peacock's tail makes me!" He said at last girl.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Bridal Shower M And M
"This is my nose and my chin is, is the mouth / no lips: no teeth, / is a severe wound, / in my face." Edoardo Sanguineti
Poetry becomes light: Edoardo Sanguineti, life is a poem. Saturday 9 December, the city recalled the intellectual in a wide range of initiatives, with its verses which illuminated the palaces of the Strada Nuova. Yesterday, the poet would have turned 80.
Da un articolo di WANDA VALLI dell'8 dicembre.
"E lo vedi, è la vita", diceva lui Edoardo Sanguineti. La vita che ti sorprende sempre, nella gioia e nel dolore. È successo anche a lui. Avrebbe festeggiato i suoi ottant' anni il 9 dicembre, questo grande intellettuale del Novecento e Genova, la sua città, lo ricorderà in tre appuntamenti. Genova si illumina di poesia si chiama l'iniziativa voluta dal Comune, ritroveremo i suoi versi, i suoi scritti e il suo impegno di osservatore della vita della comunità, che non ha avuto paura di impegnarsi in prima persona.
Il programma lo racconta, Margherita Rubino, consulente del sindaco per l'immagine della città, c'è il sindaco Marta Vincenzi, Sanguineti Luciana, his wife, Peter Passano, director of the Palazzo Ducale. And new. On May 18, the anniversary of his death, the mayor announced, will open the new University Library, the former Grand Hotel Colombia, a room set aside for more than 26,000 volumes Sanguineti that the family donated to the city.
Simonetta Butte, Central Library of Rome, confirmed: "It will be a way to begin to show how culture Genovese has taken possession of quell'ex Grand Hotel, Mayor Marta Vincenzi points out:" So going in and coming down from the train principles, to accommodate travelers will Edoardo Sanguineti's books that will change for the better, the perception of Genoa. "Back to the mind what Edoardo Sanguineti said:" See you around the world, has gathered in Genoa, "a kind of loving tribute to the city, while at his home, tells his wife Luciana is still a sea of books, translations continue to arrive, you're only in November, an Israeli, two from the United States. "
Back to the ten days dedicated to him. The excitement, the embrace of the city, today, Wednesday, December 8: The Road New with buildings, lights up with 80 verses from his works, while Dorfles, to 18 in front of Palazzo Tursi, will tell who was his friend Edward, who loved the music, from Besame mucho.
The 9, birthday, the 12th dropped Falcone and Borsellino, Marco Nereo Rotelli will donate the sculpture to the City and, you see, that's life, while 12 to 20 at the Feltrinelli bookshop there will be a screening of videos and interviews with Sanguineti and 18 to Palazzo Rosso, Get a little fact real show by Edoardo Sanguineti. Meanwhile, at 16, the Sala del Minor Consiglio of Palazzo Ducale, keynote "Novissimum Testamentum" of Professor Niva Lorenzini.
(08 December 2010)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Ovulation 2 Days After Pain
In monologue sent to "Come away with me," the writer recounts how the garbage is a valuable source of income for organized crime organized. It gives rise to a wave of controversy and of esteem
Carryover for friends of readings, the speech of Saviano.
the highest mountain in Europe is Mont Blanc 4810 meters. The world's tallest is Mount Everest, with its 8848 meters. But if we imagine a mountain made with illegal waste exceeds the sum of two: Someone has calculated that would have a base of three hectares and would be more than 15 thousand meters high. This immense size is a valuable source of income for organized crime.
This explains why, in Campania, the history of garbage left to rot on the street is, unfortunately, a never ending story. The European inspectors arrived a Napoli e ci hanno detto quello che i napoletani sapevano già: e cioè che nulla è cambiato rispetto a due anni fa. In realtà è peggio. L'emergenza dura dal 1994. È moltissimo tempo. Vuol dire che un ragazzo che oggi ha 16 anni è cresciuto con l'idea che i sacchetti di plastica abbandonati sui marciapiedi sono la normalità, come lo è il caldo d'estate e il freddo d'inverno. I cassonetti regolarmente svuotati, invece, sono un'eccezione.
In questa terra la raccolta differenziata è un sogno. Tranne che in piccole isole felici, non viene fatta mai. Quella non differenziata dovrebbe essere - per legge - al massimo il 35%. Qui arriviamo all'84%. E pensare che erano stati per primi i Borbone a lanciare la diversification of waste. It seems incredible, but provides an edict of Ferdinand II: "The people should keep the street clean in front of the house using the warning of the garbage piled to the side of their homes and to separate all at shards of crystal or glass that will put them down in a heap in part. "
What the Bourbons knew, came to the center and center right, the special commissioners, by Rastrelli, to Bassolino, Bertolaso \u200b\u200bDe Gennaro, no longer known. Everyone has tried to solve the problem, but none succeeded. In Naples, it seems impossible that manages to Milan, Bologna and Genoa because the region is caught in a giant circle circle. The cycle is based on employment in the area: you put the waste in a landfill, the landfill is filled, is closed or seized for payment of hazardous materials, truck stop, you try yet another landfill, the people protest, Garbage is often left on the ground and even burned, with very serious dangers to health. Clans paid 50 € for each pile of trash burned at the stake.
You tried to solve the problem with incinerators, which are expected by law to produce energy, but to work best should be supplied from ecoballe that arise from the collection, in which the moisture is eliminated. Not so, of course, and is invaded Campania by ecoballe, who have even changed the geography and who are potential ecological bombs. It will take 56 years to dispose of them all. Whenever possible.
All this failure has cost the citizens of € 780 million a year in fees, consulting, rental of buildings: approximately EUR 8 billion in 10 years, almost a finance company. All have lost, but someone has earned, and a lot. In 2009, the eco-mafias have sales of over EUR 20 billion: A quarter of the total turnover of organized crime.
The great business of the clan is that of toxic waste: the Campania region have turned into the garbage business in the North. (The rubbish in Naples is the monnezza di tutta l'Italia. Ricordiamocelo, ogni volta che il Nord chiude le porte come se fosse un problema del Sud). Smaltire un rifiuto speciale costa moltissimo, fino a 62 centesimi al chilo, i clan sono capaci di offrire un prezzo di 9/10 centesimi. Un risparmio dell'80 per cento che mette a tacere la coscienza di tanti imprenditori. Il trucco è nella bolla di accompagnamento che viene falsificata, per cui il rifiuto come per magia non è più tossico, o nel miscelare i veleni ai rifiuti ordinari, in modo da diluirne la concentrazione tossica. Il meccanismo è talmente malato che a volte il composto viene trasformato in fertilizzante: così la malavita incassa i soldi due volte con lo stesso veleno.
Decine di inchieste giudiziarie testimoniano l'avvelenamento delle terre del Sud. Ne elenco alcune: nel 2003 si scopre che ogni settimana 40 Tir ricolmi di rifiuti sversano cadmio, zinco, scarto di vernici, fanghi da depuratori, plastiche varie, arsenico e piombo nel napoletano e nel casertano; nel 2006 la Procura di Santa Maria Capua Vetere accerta che tra Villa Literno, Castelvolturno e San Tammaro, vengono scaricati i toner delle stampanti d'ufficio della Toscana e della Lombardia. Il terreno è pieno di cromo esavalente. L'inchiesta "Eldorado" del 2003 ferma un traffico illecito di rifiuti pericolosi, che da Sud sono spediti in Lombardia per essere "miscelati" con terre di spazzatura delle strade milanesi e altri materiali, per passare poi come rifiuti non pericolosi smaltiti in Apulian a landfill. The public prosecutor of Naples in 2007 ordered the seizure of five companies in the North for illicit waste steel manufacturing.
So the subsoil of the beautiful, sweet, fertile Campania has become a nauseating mud and dangerous in Giugliano in Campania, there are 590 000 tonnes of sludge and slurry containing asbestos and trichlorethylene; in Plain between 1988 and 1991 The following waste were spilled from a Cengio by adult: 1 billion and 300 million cubic meters of sludge and 300 thousand cubic meters of sodium salts, 250 000 tonnes of poisonous sludge cyanide-based, 3 and a half million cubic meters pitch content of harmful dioxins, amines, organic compounds derived by ammonia containing nitrogen in the countryside of Acerra between 1995-2004 were hidden 1 million tons of industrial sludge from Porto Marghera and 300 thousand tons of chlorinated solvents.
And that's just to name a few. It's no wonder that agriculture has fallen sharply to peak when the fruit come out sick, if the land becomes infertile. Above all, it's no wonder that increase diseases and cancer. That's what happens in the general silence. Cancer, in Campania, it is a misfortune, a tragedy can not be eliminated, but the result of an unfortunate criminal entrepreneurship.
diseases linked to the presence of toxic waste are a plague silent, difficult to monitor but absolutely clear. A search of the 2008 Institute of Health in the provinces of Naples and Caserta certify an increase in mortality from cancer of the lung, liver, stomach, kidney and bladder, and congenital deformities. These are more numerous near the site of illegal dumping. Even the World Health Organization talks about a surge in diseases of cancer in this area: the percentage is higher than 12% than the national average.
Well, this is the state where 16 years of impotence and criminal power of the state have reduced the Campania. Yet the end of the emergency was announced seven times by our head of government: it was already resolved in July two years ago.
After decades of waste crisis, the Neapolitan identified with the garbage, the loss of all hope of seeing change your home city, I can think of Eduardo that said it is cos' and nothing. We used to always say it cos' and nothing. We rise to the right of life, we take off the air, and so is 'and nothing. "I fear that strength to hear that we risk becoming things' and nothing.
The text is a summary sent to the monologue" Come away with me "
(November 30, 2010)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Hunza Women's Beauty Secrets
The story that I propose to you tonight has participated in the contest" Good words ". It was necessary to write a story, any genre, whose opening words were necessarily the one signed by the writer Valentina Fortichiari.
The contest "The Buoneparole, conceived by the cultural association" Women's Initiative "together with" the Other Library "is part of the program" Abbiategusto ", the food and wine festival held in Abbiategrasso the last weekend of November dedicated to the flavors, good food, the art of receiving, at the pleasure of knowing better products and places from which they come.
And it is precisely the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining literature and taste, food and words, that seven years makes the competition was born. The authors who have written the opening words of the previous years were: Carmen Covito, Margaret Oggero, Dacia Maraini, Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti, Modignani Sveva Casati, Gianni Biondillo and Valeria Montaldi.
E 'was inspiring words from the Fortichiari. Here it is.
cherries, grapes and chestnuts-the flavor of love
He hands me cherries by hand with long, tapering fingers. No, not a gesture of love. At least, not yet.
Talk incessantly, but I'm wandering in my thoughts, wet with rain at night, when - sick baby - my mother forced me to eat rice and milk, which I hated. I'm not cured, ever, I mean the feelings healed, healed with love.
Mangia, still repeating my mother, years later, as if eating were a rite of salvation even in adulthood.
slow to anger, abounding in love: the man by the kind gesture leads me where he wants, has already decided the way to go, but not together, not yet. I'm in a hurry, hurry. And while it gives me a couple of cherries that are the color of wine, smiles and invites me to slow. Wait. (Incipio V. Fortichiari)
look, the mature wheat, the grape blush, the chestnut trees that drop their curly leave full. And while the wait nourishes the soul, he is beside me with a disarming simplicity. As the water in a river bed. I'm running, he embraces me and I damming.
Sometimes I wonder what made us meet. Like a leaf in the palm of the hand in an autumn evening. I was out to buy fruit and vegetables. The sky in November lost all colors, as if someone washed them away without mercy. I was out to buy colors: red and yellow peppers for a good mood, grapes, red and black for happiness, squash blossoms and spinach for the nostalgia.
My mother was a single woman. My mother had a body that was not listening, not listening to a husband, a daughter who did not know. When my mother looked after me with white recipes I did not understand yet that the white of the recipes was a ritual magic, an alchemy to banish from us all that fear. I hated his monochrome plates, colorless, odorless. Today I care
with colors. My dishes are rainbows of flavors, and when I sit at the table I feel that the secret of a healthy heart is a delicious blend of flavor, color and love.
If that night had not gone to buy fruit and vegetables on the street corner, I would not have known this man from the great and wise hands, handing me in the summer cherries and chestnuts in autumn. As if the flavor gushes from her fingers to feed the soul. When he wakes up and asks me if I'm happy I feel the aroma of coffee, the fragrance of life in the kitchen. And I know that this is what I have been looking for. And I know that this is what my mother never had. (Gi)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Day After Wedding Brunch Invitation Wording
Lord, we need you.
It is Advent again. Like every year. Like every time before Christmas. Like every time when the man ahead. And hopes. It works because "the arrival" quell'arrivo is even more important, more involved.
Lord, we need te.
È Avvento, di nuovo. Un Avvento - come ce ne sono stati nella storia - contrassegnato da venti di guerra, da dolori e da sconfitte, da ansie e da paure. Come ai profeti una volta, anche oggi a noi il Signore, però, torna a dire: “Preparate le mie vie”.
Signore, abbiamo bisogno di te.
È Avvento, di nuovo. Ma è Avvento ogni giorno se l'uomo si impegna perché la giustizia e la pace possono nascere ancora, come in quella notte nella stalla di Betlemme. È Avvento ogni momento se il credente combatte per una giustizia per tutti, and not a few, for the past rather than the former.
Lord, we need you.
It is Advent again. Advent is if we read this every day waiting period as to rediscover our identity as men and Christians, our spiritual children of God, our guardians of truth of a message of salvation, the reality of our baptized in the church and Church.
Lord, we need you.
And with you, we need others, of all others. Our brothers in the pilgrimage town that leads us to your kingdom, already present and not yet enjoyed, and already we are not yet thawed.
Lord, we need you.
Why through our involvement in this Advent we can finally live a Christmas a little 'less than war, at least in our hearts.
Lord, we need you.
To restore vigor to life, and wonderful that you donated and saved. Too many "dry bones" live our days. Many are generated by the melancholy fatuous libertà.
Signore, abbiamo bisogno di te.
Noi ti crediamo anche se ci viene la tentazione dei primi discepoli di volerti vedere e sappiamo che sei con noi sempre in attesa di vederti quando tu vorrai e verrai. Qui, ora, ci custodisca la maternità di Maria e della Chiesa.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Lou Ana Coconut Oil For Hair
So lets say that you are in Japan and you may want to go to China ... but do not have much money ... what do you do?
The plane is not the case .. but you can always do a little self and then stop to think about a rental ...
but before prepare some sandwiches .. that you never know ...
1. Go to google maps
2. Click on "Directions"
3. Write Japan as a starting point
4. Write China as a point of arrival
5. Click "get directions"
6. Go to number 43 of the indications
Well 782 km .. I do not know so many .. well if you think about it ... if you keep the 90 mph is only 8 hours .. the small matter ...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Serata: arrivi e sistemazione negli alberghi per la notte.
FRIDAY October 29: "Discovering the Gift"
09,00 : Upper Church: Celebration of Lauds . Chair between Giuseppe Piemontese , Guardian of the Sacred Convent.
10.00 : Report Don Fabio Rosini, pastor of Santa Francesca Romana.
12.30: Lunch.
15.30 : Upper Church: Now introducing the average Sacrament of Forgiveness. Chaired by Francesco Cocco between (Lk 17, 11-19). Below are preparing for Confession of sins and absolution individual.
19.00 : Upper Church: Mass . Chair between Giancarlo Corsini.
20.00: Dinner at the lot on the square below.
21.00: Opening of the Tomb of St Francis: Silence and Prayer personnel. The Friars and the Sisters will be available in the Lower Basilica for the Centre for listening.
22:00 : hot tea in the square.
Saturday, October 30: "Dealing with the Gift"
09,00 : Basilica Superiore: Celebrazione delle Lodi. Presiede fra Francesco Celestino.
10,00 : Talk dei Testimoni : Eugenio ed Elisabetta Di Giovine , missionari OFS - Fabio Fazio , giovane GIFRA - Cosetta Zanotti, scrittrice. Coordinato da Francesca Fialdini , conduttrice radiotelevisiva.
12,30 : Pranzo.
15,30 : Gruppi di approfondimento.
19,30 : Cena
21,00 : Basilica Inferiore: Celebrazione Eucaristica. Presiede fra Mauro Gambetti . A seguire Adorazione Eucaristica
Sunday, October 31: "Accepting the Gift"
09,00 : Upper Church: Lectio Divina (Lk 24, 13 - 35). Chair between Gianni Cap
10.30 : Collatio for subgroups.
13.00: Lunch.
16.00 : Meeting for regions. Mass for Regions.
19.30: Dinner.
21.00: Evening of fraternities at Umbria Fiere Bastia Umbra, " The gap or the gap?"
Starring Giuseppe Brizzi . Intervention Sr. Erica Hammer, Franciscan Elisabettine
MONDAY November 1, Solemnity of All Saints: "The Gift of the Eucharist makes us saints"
08.30 : Upper Church: Mass Chaired by Minister General OFM conv, between Marco Tasca
Delivery of the Mandate.
ORDER Friars Minor Conventual
Sacro Convento S. Francesco
06082 ASSISI (PG)
TEL. 075-8190137 / 075-8190138 / 075-8190156
FAX 075-8190139
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Radio Shack Sata To Ide
(St. Francis of Assisi)
Oh! Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love,
where there is injury, pardon,
where there is discord, let me sow faith, where
is the error, let me bring truth, where
is despair, hope.
Where is sadness, joy,
where there is darkness, let me bring light.
Oh! Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be understood as to understand.
to be loved as to love
Yes is in giving that we receive:
pardoning that we are pardoned;
dying that we are born to eternal life.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
White Formica Dressers
Serata: arrivi e sistemazione negli alberghi per la notte.
VENERDI 29 OTTOBRE: "Scoprire il Dono"
09,00 : Basilica Superiore: Celebrazione delle Lodi . Presiede fra Giuseppe Piemontese , Custode del Sacro Convento.
10,00 : Relazione di Don Fabio Rosini , parish priest of Santa Francesca Romana.
12.30: Lunch.
15.30 : Upper Church: Now introducing the average Sacrament of Forgiveness. Chaired by Francesco Cocco between (Lk 17, 11-19). Below are preparing for confession and absolution of sins individually.
19.00 : Upper Church: Mass . Chair between Giancarlo Corsini.
20.00: Dinner at the lot on the square below.
21.00: Opening of the Tomb of St Francis: Silence and Prayer personnel. I Brothers and Sisters will be available in the Lower Basilica for the Centre for listening.
22:00 : hot tea in the square.
Saturday, October 30: "Dealing with the Gift"
09,00 : Upper Church: Celebration of Lauds. Chaired between Francis Celestino.
10.00 : Witnesses Talk : Eugene and Elizabeth Young , missionaries SFO - Fabio Fazio young YOUFRA - Cosetta Zanotti, writer. Coordinated by Francesca Fialdini , radio and television presenter.
12.30: Lunch.
15.30 : focus groups.
19.30: Dinner 21.00
: Lower Basilica: Eucharistic celebration. Chair between Mauro Gambetti . Followed by Adoration
Sunday, October 31: "Accepting the Gift"
09,00 : Upper Church: Lectio Divina ( Lk 24: 13-35). Chair between Gianni Cap
10.30 : Collatio for subgroups.
13.00: Lunch.
16.00 : Meeting for regions. Mass for Regions.
19.30: Dinner.
21.00: Evening of fraternities at Umbria Fiere, Bastia Umbra, " The gap or the gap?"
Starring Giuseppe Brizzi . Intervention Sr. Erica Hammer, Franciscan Elisabettine
Sunday, November 1, Solemnity of All Saints: "The Gift of the Eucharist makes us saints"
08.30 : Upper Church: Mass Chaired by Minister General OFM conv, between Marco Tasca
delivery of the warrant.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thank You Message Back Of Program
1. Holy Child of the royal lineage of David, Queen of Angels, Mother of grace and love, I greet you with all the affection of the heart. Obtain from the Lord of generous fidelity in love with every day of my life and obtain for me a tender devotion to you that you are the first born of divine love. - Ave Maria ...
2. O heavenly white dove as a little girl that you've come to the immaculate and beautiful world, my soul rejoices in front of you, true prodigy of the wisdom and goodness of God pure and spotless, help me to keep jealously at the cost of any sacrifice, 'angelic virtue of holy purity. - Ave Maria ...
3. Ave, gracious and Holy Child, spiritual paradise of delights where day incarnation was planted in the real Tree of Life, the Savior of the world. Since much love me, help me to abhor and flee the poisonous fruit of vanity and worldly pleasures. inspires my soul the thoughts, affections, virtues of your divine Son, sweetest fruit of everlasting life. - Ave Maria ...
4. Hail wonderful little girl, closed garden, impenetrable to the creatures, which is open only to the heavenly Bridegroom who delights to rest among the flowers of your lofty virtue. O Giglio of Paradise, a wonderful example of humble and hidden life: 'do it her heavenly Spouse find the door of my heart always open to visits of His grace and love of his inspirations - Ave Maria ...
5. O Holy Child, mystical aurora, Gate of Heaven happy, in you my soul trusts and hopes. How deep my lukewarm in the service of God! How big is the danger of damage! O powerful advocate, from your little cradle benign stretch your hand, shake the painful lethargy, sorreggimi the path of life. It 'that I dedicated to serving the Lord with fervor and constancy until death and attain the eternal crown. - Ave Maria ...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
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Saturday, July 24, 2010
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Father Amorth, "Attack on the Church by Satan"
Even before Father Raniero Cantalamessa, who has compared the distribution of information on cases of pedophilia ecclesiastical anti-Semitism, drawing a vehement reaction from the Jewish community and the taking away from the Holy See, Father Gabriele Amorth, perhaps the most famous exorcist of the world, had told Mediaset News that "the attacks of recent days to Pope Benedict XVI on cases of child abuse are recommended by the devil, this is not There is no doubt. Because it is a wonderful Pope, worthy successor to John Paul II, then seek, through diavolo, di prendersela con lui”. Il demonio, secondo Amorth, agirebbe “usando” gli stessi preti pedofili. Non più tardi di tre settimane fa Amorth aveva sostenuto che “il Diavolo è in Vaticano e le conseguenze sono evidenti”, mentre tre mesi fa aveva sostenuto che a Satana vanno attribuite la crisi economica, quella di Alitalia e la tensione nella striscia di Gaza.Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Dual Baby Shower Invitation Wording Ideas
Friday, July 16, 2010
Confirmation Letter For A Church Event
Scapular Carmelite Order as part of the uniform there is no trace in the rules or standards of living of the Order itself, written in the years 1206-1214. Nor is the Fiery Arrow remember, although it is a rich and important text of a short time later.
The first documents that speak of in the thirteenth century Carmelite Constitutions are, in their dual editor: London 1281, Bordeaux 1294. We find that every religion has prescribed two tunics and two "caps" or - as will be specified later - two "scapulars-cap" in addition, that all the brothers sleep in a cassock and scapular, under severe penalty, except for the sick. Similarly, the "Acts" of the General Chapter of Montpellier, in 1287, ordering that the white cape, recently introduced, is packaged in such a way as to leave visible the Scapular "habit of the Order."
During the fourteenth century, no hint in large Carmelite authors as Baconthorpe, ChemiNet, Oler. First to deal with it on purpose is Ribot, as he describes the shape of a long dress of the Carmelite and highlights symbolism. The Scapular, he says, should be worn at all times, day and night, with the greatest care, because it means "the yoke" of Christ, then that is the holy obedience that is promised as one vote, on the occasion of religious profession, because reflection of the fundamental with which Christ has made the human redemption.
first observation to be done in such a traditional perspective, it explains and justifies the stringency of hard at first exaggerated canonical sanctions, which were given. Dispose of the scapular, in fact, meant legally get rid of the "yoke" of Christ, dispel the monastic discipline embraced, relinquish the service of God under the consecrated life.
Second observation: in the beginning, the Scapular was honored for a disciplinary reason, we would say that Christological (in honor of Christ), rather than Marian (in honor of Mary). For over a century and a half from the beginning, it appears that the Scapular has been enriched with a value Marian impression that he was later slowly, reaching a level that warrants his identification with the same devotion to Mary of the Carmelites . But the sources did not. But then, when the appearance of Mary's dress was over, everything was a magnificent crescendo. And, despite the general decline in Marian devotion in recent decades, the devotion to the Scapular is still widely felt. Indeed, it may not even recognize the signs of a doubt its most vigorous flowering.
The Magisterium of the Church, far from the mark depreciation, is the first to authoritatively recommend this Marian devotion.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
How Do I Know If I Have Ptosis
The Legend of the Three Companions is said to Francis, "doing violence to their instincts, dismounted and gave the leper a penny, kissing his hand" (in Franciscan sources, IV, 11, Padova, Messaggero, 1990). And 'the beginning of new life, his conversion. Francis kissing the leper has made, by the grace of the Lord, the jump in the 'safety' of Christian love. Perhaps this is the secret of the immense fascination exerted by the Franciscans in his first appearance and the reason for its relevance in a time like our concerns that experiments at the limit of its choices. To find the meaning of this current requires a lucid diagnosis of the ills of our time or, rather, the deformations of a certain way of thinking and consider the values. These strains are derived from a concealment of the original sense of man, a misunderstanding of its purpose and primary constituent. The man was 'reduced' to the power of his work and his own again, above the dignity of his being. This radical change in the meaning of life is result in replacement of the primacy of making and the primacy of , not being as object, but being that we ourselves , essential in a participatory vocation. The value of productivity and efficiency, on the one hand, and the other to have what you have taken the place of dignitas of our being, first and profoundly men. The making and receiving both were placed at the top of the scale of values, within a framework that has profoundly transformed the relationship of man with life, nature and society. On the one hand, the man opened before him, using the mathematical formalization of knowledge, the infinite field of its productivity, its machines more and more perfect. Second, he collides with the helpless condition of his existence, a body that needs to be and therefore is inherently exposed to the anxieties and concerns that it is the source and location. The categories of 'have' and 'do' arise, then, as the categories of a sort of inverted ontology, where the ancient concept of non-being takes on a new content more realistic and well founded. The world is as they introduce the world of alienation and concern. It 's a world of things and tools, which we are reduced to a bundle of functions and invites us all to the denial of what is in ourselves and others to personal and creative. In such a world tend to shut down any sense of wonder and creative risk, any liability of the initiative, while the triumph el'ovvietà anonymity. Recognize that occurred in this culture of having and doing, falsifying a concealment of man is to put the problem of background correction , a real change of position in front of us themselves, to others, the world and, in a way by which all others derive, in the face of God 'a metaphysical operation, because this change of position allows you to rediscover the figure of his' human essence, its inner sense, its primary purpose and essential. Today, as in the time of Francis, and with a vastly more explicit historical reasons, it is to find the infinite importance of our being, the 'unum necessarium , our salvation, because we are the object of God's choice , the object of infinite Love has an infinite value. The "life in high poverty" Francis reveals in this horizon the ontological sense perpetually present. The true measure of the Franciscan spirit of poverty can be found in the way life takes shape in the exercise of that thought is the existential meditation , the commitment of the mind that is addressed in depth with perseverance and above him in his encounter with God The word "meditation" has its origin in the Latin verb mederi , 'doctor, to heal, take care of, "and means the act of going beyond the daily concerns and occupations, replacing them with the care of themselves. For the world as we once again become the companions of Francis a spatiosum claustrum , we put on this way back, taking care of the ills of the spirit in which intelligence is bound by a metaphysical pragmatic and utilitarian.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Nokian Hakka Vs Nordfrost
The presence of the monks can be seen in the Holy Land , Japan, Papua New Guinea and Congo Brazzaville.
Our brothers, like all the other brothers of the order together and attend the holy places of Palestine, sharing custody of the sites, accompanied the pilgrims, the commitment to training and study, the presence and pastoral charity, 's Keeper of the current Mount Zion (better known as the Father Custos of the Holy Land ), Pierbattista Pizzaballa belongs to the Province of Emilia Romagna Minors and plays a delicate and valuable role as a mediator between the various political, religious and ecclesiastical.
five brothers living in Japan belonging to the Province of Christ the King Minors who work in reality in the diocese of Nigata and are mainly engaged in parish that embraces social contexts, however, very different.
Papua New Guinea sees the presence of us Franciscans especially in the capital and in the Diocese of Aitape on the territory of the Father Leone is at the village, "Father Anthony and Father Gianni is dedicated to youth ministry and vocational animation. The Franciscan Foundation
Notre Dame d'Afrique in Congo Brazzaville, with the involvement of all the Italian provinces of Friars Minor. Currently there is no brother of Emilia Romagna original, but we are highly involved in supporting various projects and sending volunteers.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Mysore Mallige Stream
The priesthood is not a means to gain power and achieve personal ambitions. This is the warning addressed this morning by Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass for the ordination of 14 new priests in St. Peter. "The priesthood can never be a way - Ratzinger said during the homily - to achieve security in life or to obtain a social position. "" Those who aspire to the priesthood - he added - an increase of their personal prestige and his power at the root has misunderstood the meaning of this ministry. "" Who wants above all to achieve his own ambition - said the Pope - to achieve their success will always be a slave of himself and the public. To be considered, you must flatter; will say what they like people, must adjust to changing fashions and opinions, and so, you deprive it of the vital relationship with the truth, reducing to order tomorrow what will be praised today. "
The AMBITION IS JUST TO LOVE YOURSELF - The Pope, who appeared rather tense and tired, he added: "A priest who see their ministry in these terms, do not truly love God and others, only himself and, paradoxically, ends up losing himself. The priesthood is based on the courage to say yes to another will, in the awareness, to grow every day, that their compliance with the will of God, surrounded by this desire, not only will not be canceled our originality, but on the contrary, we enter deeper into the truth of our being and our ministry. "
Friday, June 18, 2010
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places you go crazy you meet .. I do not believe .. now the fool in question is next to me and is talking to himself pseudo pseudo writing while I'm alone ...
the fact è uno dei due pensa che l'altro stia pensando di se stesso che l'altro pensi che sia pazzo..
Un terzo si aggiunge dicendo che il primo pazzo è "rosso" il quarto dice "lo scarico" .. e tutto questo mentre si lavora.
Ora comprendo l'incomprensibile ... ma sono davvero sicuro di essere sicuro !!
Siamo avanti nel passato
Monday, June 7, 2010
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Sunday, May 16, 2010
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Prayer to the Holy Spirit (Sequence)
Come, Holy Spirit,
sent to us from heaven
a ray of your light.
Come father of the poor,
come giver of gifts,
come, light of heart.
Consolatore perfetto,
ospite dolce dell’anima,
dolcissimo sollievo.
Nella fatica, riposo,
nella calura, riparo,
nel pianto conforto.
O luce beatissima,
invadi nell’intimo
il cuore dei tuoi fedeli.
Senza la tua forza,
nulla è nell’uomo,
nulla senza colpa.
Lava ciò che è sordido,
bagna ciò che è arido,
sound that bleeds.
Bend what is rigid,
warm what is cold,
healthy what is crooked.
Give your faithful
that only trust in you
your holy gifts.
Dona virtue and reward,
gives holy death,
gives eternal joy.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Particles Float In Urine
Each year, however, the brothers organized a great pilgrimage near the feast of the Holy aimed mainly at young people but also open to all the devotees who wish to participate. The Program provides
Saturday, May 29
- 18.00 from this hour will be provided accommodation for pilgrims with the delivery of the credential and the libretto
- 20.30 for those you want, you can participate in the instrumental concert in the cloister of the monastery
- 22.00 Eucharistic vigil led
- 23.00 prayer and blessing of the pilgrims
- 23.30 departure
Sunday, May 30
- about 6.00 am arrival Arcella, celebrating the passage of S. Antonio and breakfast provided by the organization
- about 8.00 am departure for the Church of the Holy
- 10.00 am S. Mass in the Basilica