Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ovulation 2 Days After Pain


In monologue sent to "Come away with me," the writer recounts how the garbage is a valuable source of income for organized crime organized. It gives rise to a wave of controversy and of esteem
Carryover for friends of readings, the speech of Saviano.

the highest mountain in Europe is Mont Blanc 4810 meters. The world's tallest is Mount Everest, with its 8848 meters. But if we imagine a mountain made with illegal waste exceeds the sum of two: Someone has calculated that would have a base of three hectares and would be more than 15 thousand meters high. This immense size is a valuable source of income for organized crime.

This explains why, in Campania, the history of garbage left to rot on the street is, unfortunately, a never ending story. The European inspectors arrived a Napoli e ci hanno detto quello che i napoletani sapevano già: e cioè che nulla è cambiato rispetto a due anni fa. In realtà è peggio. L'emergenza dura dal 1994. È moltissimo tempo. Vuol dire che un ragazzo che oggi ha 16 anni è cresciuto con l'idea che i sacchetti di plastica abbandonati sui marciapiedi sono la normalità, come lo è il caldo d'estate e il freddo d'inverno. I cassonetti regolarmente svuotati, invece, sono un'eccezione.

In questa terra la raccolta differenziata è un sogno. Tranne che in piccole isole felici, non viene fatta mai. Quella non differenziata dovrebbe essere - per legge - al massimo il 35%. Qui arriviamo all'84%. E pensare che erano stati per primi i Borbone a lanciare la diversification of waste. It seems incredible, but provides an edict of Ferdinand II: "The people should keep the street clean in front of the house using the warning of the garbage piled to the side of their homes and to separate all at shards of crystal or glass that will put them down in a heap in part. "

What the Bourbons knew, came to the center and center right, the special commissioners, by Rastrelli, to Bassolino, Bertolaso \u200b\u200bDe Gennaro, no longer known. Everyone has tried to solve the problem, but none succeeded. In Naples, it seems impossible that manages to Milan, Bologna and Genoa because the region is caught in a giant circle circle. The cycle is based on employment in the area: you put the waste in a landfill, the landfill is filled, is closed or seized for payment of hazardous materials, truck stop, you try yet another landfill, the people protest, Garbage is often left on the ground and even burned, with very serious dangers to health. Clans paid 50 € for each pile of trash burned at the stake.

You tried to solve the problem with incinerators, which are expected by law to produce energy, but to work best should be supplied from ecoballe that arise from the collection, in which the moisture is eliminated. Not so, of course, and is invaded Campania by ecoballe, who have even changed the geography and who are potential ecological bombs. It will take 56 years to dispose of them all. Whenever possible.

All this failure has cost the citizens of € 780 million a year in fees, consulting, rental of buildings: approximately EUR 8 billion in 10 years, almost a finance company. All have lost, but someone has earned, and a lot. In 2009, the eco-mafias have sales of over EUR 20 billion: A quarter of the total turnover of organized crime.

The great business of the clan is that of toxic waste: the Campania region have turned into the garbage business in the North. (The rubbish in Naples is the monnezza di tutta l'Italia. Ricordiamocelo, ogni volta che il Nord chiude le porte come se fosse un problema del Sud). Smaltire un rifiuto speciale costa moltissimo, fino a 62 centesimi al chilo, i clan sono capaci di offrire un prezzo di 9/10 centesimi. Un risparmio dell'80 per cento che mette a tacere la coscienza di tanti imprenditori. Il trucco è nella bolla di accompagnamento che viene falsificata, per cui il rifiuto come per magia non è più tossico, o nel miscelare i veleni ai rifiuti ordinari, in modo da diluirne la concentrazione tossica. Il meccanismo è talmente malato che a volte il composto viene trasformato in fertilizzante: così la malavita incassa i soldi due volte con lo stesso veleno.

Decine di inchieste giudiziarie testimoniano l'avvelenamento delle terre del Sud. Ne elenco alcune: nel 2003 si scopre che ogni settimana 40 Tir ricolmi di rifiuti sversano cadmio, zinco, scarto di vernici, fanghi da depuratori, plastiche varie, arsenico e piombo nel napoletano e nel casertano; nel 2006 la Procura di Santa Maria Capua Vetere accerta che tra Villa Literno, Castelvolturno e San Tammaro, vengono scaricati i toner delle stampanti d'ufficio della Toscana e della Lombardia. Il terreno è pieno di cromo esavalente. L'inchiesta "Eldorado" del 2003 ferma un traffico illecito di rifiuti pericolosi, che da Sud sono spediti in Lombardia per essere "miscelati" con terre di spazzatura delle strade milanesi e altri materiali, per passare poi come rifiuti non pericolosi smaltiti in Apulian a landfill. The public prosecutor of Naples in 2007 ordered the seizure of five companies in the North for illicit waste steel manufacturing.

So the subsoil of the beautiful, sweet, fertile Campania has become a nauseating mud and dangerous in Giugliano in Campania, there are 590 000 tonnes of sludge and slurry containing asbestos and trichlorethylene; in Plain between 1988 and 1991 The following waste were spilled from a Cengio by adult: 1 billion and 300 million cubic meters of sludge and 300 thousand cubic meters of sodium salts, 250 000 tonnes of poisonous sludge cyanide-based, 3 and a half million cubic meters pitch content of harmful dioxins, amines, organic compounds derived by ammonia containing nitrogen in the countryside of Acerra between 1995-2004 were hidden 1 million tons of industrial sludge from Porto Marghera and 300 thousand tons of chlorinated solvents.

And that's just to name a few. It's no wonder that agriculture has fallen sharply to peak when the fruit come out sick, if the land becomes infertile. Above all, it's no wonder that increase diseases and cancer. That's what happens in the general silence. Cancer, in Campania, it is a misfortune, a tragedy can not be eliminated, but the result of an unfortunate criminal entrepreneurship.

diseases linked to the presence of toxic waste are a plague silent, difficult to monitor but absolutely clear. A search of the 2008 Institute of Health in the provinces of Naples and Caserta certify an increase in mortality from cancer of the lung, liver, stomach, kidney and bladder, and congenital deformities. These are more numerous near the site of illegal dumping. Even the World Health Organization talks about a surge in diseases of cancer in this area: the percentage is higher than 12% than the national average.

Well, this is the state where 16 years of impotence and criminal power of the state have reduced the Campania. Yet the end of the emergency was announced seven times by our head of government: it was already resolved in July two years ago.

After decades of waste crisis, the Neapolitan identified with the garbage, the loss of all hope of seeing change your home city, I can think of Eduardo that said it is cos' and nothing. We used to always say it cos' and nothing. We rise to the right of life, we take off the air, and so is 'and nothing. "I fear that strength to hear that we risk becoming things' and nothing.

The text is a summary sent to the monologue" Come away with me "
(November 30, 2010)


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