"This is my nose and my chin is, is the mouth / no lips: no teeth, / is a severe wound, / in my face." Edoardo Sanguineti
Poetry becomes light: Edoardo Sanguineti, life is a poem. Saturday 9 December, the city recalled the intellectual in a wide range of initiatives, with its verses which illuminated the palaces of the Strada Nuova. Yesterday, the poet would have turned 80.
Da un articolo di WANDA VALLI dell'8 dicembre.
"E lo vedi, è la vita", diceva lui Edoardo Sanguineti. La vita che ti sorprende sempre, nella gioia e nel dolore. È successo anche a lui. Avrebbe festeggiato i suoi ottant' anni il 9 dicembre, questo grande intellettuale del Novecento e Genova, la sua città, lo ricorderà in tre appuntamenti. Genova si illumina di poesia si chiama l'iniziativa voluta dal Comune, ritroveremo i suoi versi, i suoi scritti e il suo impegno di osservatore della vita della comunità, che non ha avuto paura di impegnarsi in prima persona.
Il programma lo racconta, Margherita Rubino, consulente del sindaco per l'immagine della città, c'è il sindaco Marta Vincenzi, Sanguineti Luciana, his wife, Peter Passano, director of the Palazzo Ducale. And new. On May 18, the anniversary of his death, the mayor announced, will open the new University Library, the former Grand Hotel Colombia, a room set aside for more than 26,000 volumes Sanguineti that the family donated to the city.
Simonetta Butte, Central Library of Rome, confirmed: "It will be a way to begin to show how culture Genovese has taken possession of quell'ex Grand Hotel, Mayor Marta Vincenzi points out:" So going in and coming down from the train principles, to accommodate travelers will Edoardo Sanguineti's books that will change for the better, the perception of Genoa. "Back to the mind what Edoardo Sanguineti said:" See you around the world, has gathered in Genoa, "a kind of loving tribute to the city, while at his home, tells his wife Luciana is still a sea of books, translations continue to arrive, you're only in November, an Israeli, two from the United States. "
Back to the ten days dedicated to him. The excitement, the embrace of the city, today, Wednesday, December 8: The Road New with buildings, lights up with 80 verses from his works, while Dorfles, to 18 in front of Palazzo Tursi, will tell who was his friend Edward, who loved the music, from Besame mucho.
The 9, birthday, the 12th dropped Falcone and Borsellino, Marco Nereo Rotelli will donate the sculpture to the City and, you see, that's life, while 12 to 20 at the Feltrinelli bookshop there will be a screening of videos and interviews with Sanguineti and 18 to Palazzo Rosso, Get a little fact real show by Edoardo Sanguineti. Meanwhile, at 16, the Sala del Minor Consiglio of Palazzo Ducale, keynote "Novissimum Testamentum" of Professor Niva Lorenzini.
(08 December 2010)
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