Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank You Message Back Of Program


It begins August 30
1. Holy Child of the royal lineage of David, Queen of Angels, Mother of grace and love, I greet you with all the affection of the heart. Obtain from the Lord of generous fidelity in love with every day of my life and obtain for me a tender devotion to you that you are the first born of divine love. - Ave Maria ...
2. O heavenly white dove as a little girl that you've come to the immaculate and beautiful world, my soul rejoices in front of you, true prodigy of the wisdom and goodness of God pure and spotless, help me to keep jealously at the cost of any sacrifice, 'angelic virtue of holy purity. - Ave Maria ...
3. Ave, gracious and Holy Child, spiritual paradise of delights where day incarnation was planted in the real Tree of Life, the Savior of the world. Since much love me, help me to abhor and flee the poisonous fruit of vanity and worldly pleasures. inspires my soul the thoughts, affections, virtues of your divine Son, sweetest fruit of everlasting life. - Ave Maria ...
4. Hail wonderful little girl, closed garden, impenetrable to the creatures, which is open only to the heavenly Bridegroom who delights to rest among the flowers of your lofty virtue. O Giglio of Paradise, a wonderful example of humble and hidden life: 'do it her heavenly Spouse find the door of my heart always open to visits of His grace and love of his inspirations - Ave Maria ...
5. O Holy Child, mystical aurora, Gate of Heaven happy, in you my soul trusts and hopes. How deep my lukewarm in the service of God! How big is the danger of damage! O powerful advocate, from your little cradle benign stretch your hand, shake the painful lethargy, sorreggimi the path of life. It 'that I dedicated to serving the Lord with fervor and constancy until death and attain the eternal crown. - Ave Maria ...


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