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A te, o beato Giuseppe, stretti dalla tribolazione, ricorriamo, e fiduciosi invochiamo il tuo patrocinio, dopo quello della tua santissima sposa. Per, quel sacro vincolo di carità , che ti strinse all'Immacolata Vergine Maria, Madre di Dio, e per l'amore paterno that you brought the child Jesus, respect, I beg you, with a benign eye on the beloved inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His blood, and help thou with thy power and aid to our needs. Protect, or provident guardian of the Holy Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ away from us, O beloved Father, errors and defects, which infect the world, graciously from the sky in this fight with the power of darkness, or our very strong protector, and a time from death didst save the threatened life of the little baby Jesus, so now defend the holy Church of God from the hostile and pitfalls of every adversity, and stretch every hour on each of us your patronage, so that in your example and through your help, we can live virtuously, die piously and achieve eternal bliss in heaven.
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