Thursday, January 27, 2011

Removing Makeup From Clothes

crystals that beauty!

In these cold days we began to talk about ice.
After many days of heat out of season, now the ice is all over again, going from the goats in the morning we see already now the pup cacchette frozen, the water of Zoi (our dog) is a hard block, a bit later, the mud a few days ago is as hard as stone ... the grass near the road is crisp with frost and a little farther on there are now frozen pozzangherette. Then came the stable, with a wonderful gift: from the tap outside, closed again a few days earlier because of weather, icicles hang like stalactites and stalagmites!
Every day the ice-stalagmite grows in height while the tastefully stalatitte is eaten by children. :)

And then, as I said, we talked about crystals, because the ice is a crystal of water ... as is the snowflake (now it snows!). Then he spoke of the crystals which have at home, or seen around, we realized that the salt and sugar are crystals and I remembered rock sugar candy " it was something I ate once a child , and I remember that I did not understand how the sugar would stick to stick. I wanted to know my the same thing, so we asked Uncle Google and saw "growing sugar crystals" (growing crystals) and not only "learning how to grow crystals" (learn how to grow crystals) were ... stunned everyone ... but! crystals grow !???!!

After translating a recipe into English, to compare it with another in Italian we were ready for lunch and then we said "tomorrow." But tomorrow we got an invitation to visit friend before going to the dentist in the afternoon. Our friend took us to a flea market where Shana has discovered a Kit ... (roll drum) ... Tadah !!!..... for Growing Crystals! and for the price they had I could not take it.

Today we have already experienced the first growth phase of our first crystals of sugar ... and I think for now I close. I hope tomorrow to do a second round of sugar crystals in case goes wrong the first.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mail Status 5.5.0 Smtp 554

How To Clean a car ... Paper Magic

the Mad:
see an idiot who supports the bag on the roof of the MC and then taking part in rocket fly all .. DID NOT PRICE!

other Mad:

ODDI dungeon!

the Mad:

He puts the bag (the big one), salt his wife, son charged in the seat ... salt him .. and some plan, then the light turns green and down a nail .. I saw a close double RODEO DELUXE 720 in combo with COKE!
missing in Tony H.. eh eh eh!

other Mad:

but then the guy has noticed?
fell dejected to see the damage?
His wife has defamed in public?

il Pazzo:

No .. era verde e hanno continuato il loro percorso ..... secondo me quando arriveranno a casa si faranno delle domande .. si daranno delle risposte.. !! UAUAUAUAUAU !

quello Sano:

Beh... il bello e' andare all'autolavaggio con il disastro di MC sul tetto... bello per quello che lava la
macchina dopo...

il Pazzo:

meglio sarebbe lavare la macchina direttamente con la maionese... !!!

quello Sano:

mayonnaise does not clean well ... We want the mustard
one with the whole grain that is scrub effect

other Mad:

Just remember to use the ketchup to the circles

the Mad:

So if we consider the whole I would say that the mustard is on the parties striking stainless steel, while ketchup is on wheels is fine but only if the disks using the slice of cheese for the finishing touch ... mayonnaise is a bit to see everything for the interior wheel gear knob ...

that Sano:
you '... Remember:
- the second half of bread that serve as towel to dry after washing
- I would use the burger as floppy
to spread the mayonnaise on mo 'wax.

Ah, cucumber and 'sticker and stick on the dashboard, next to
vents, such as deodorant ... The
bacon, to taste, you can 'attach the mirror as
dressing or luck ... and then if t'annoi queued
pacifiers and a 'his death!

the Mad:
we then think of the wonderful onion washers .. which may well be hanging in the mirror?

other Pazzo:
e la lattuga per i vetri vogliamo scordarla? 2 passate e sembrano nuovi

il Pazzo:
cazzo parole sante...

quello Sano:
... ecco se poi avanzano 4 patatine, perche' non metterle al
posto dei tappini per le valvole delle gomme... da fermo
l'effetto estetico e' delizionso, ed in movimenti disegnano dei
bellissimi cerchi gialli!

l'altro Pazzo:
Mi raccomando la Coca nel detergente per i cristalli!

that Sano:
... and the straw of Coca
to wrap the antenna of the radio!

the Mad:
in all this we forget to mention bagels and muffins, to accommodate the pedal board (muffin) and knobs donuts!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Large Format Professional Negative Scanner


I would like to invite you to participate in a journey "unusual." Go to the site DESTINATIONS COPYRIGHT and visit Italy through the most interesting literature in recent years.

Because literature is always the most beautiful journey ... and then enter our competition to become co-author.

Bon voyage!

Nail Polish For A Champagne Colored Dress


"Soon the professor becomes an old professor. Not that this job worn over another, no ... is that you hear so many parents speak of so many children-and in doing so speak for themselves - and feel raccontidi many lives of so many divorces, so many stories of family, childhood diseases, most teenagers who do not hold, a favored son whose affection escapes you, crying for the failures and the motions of pride for the achievements, many opinions about many subjects, and the need to read, in particular, the absolute necessity of reading, getting humanity.
There are those who have never read and are ashamed of it, those who no longer have time to read and regret it, those who do not read novels but books useful essays, technical books, biographies, history books, who reads all those who "devour books and shining eyes, who read only the classics, sir, "because there is no better critic of the test of time," those who pass the age of maturity to "read", and those who have read this the last and the last other times, because you well, sir , to keep track.
But all and all, by the need to read.
Including the one who does not read any more but now he says, he once read a lot just now has studies behind them and a vita "riuscita", -solo con le proprie forze, naturalmente (è di quelli che "non devono niente a nessuno") ma ammette senza difficoltà che quei libri, di cui non ha più bisogno, gli sono stati molto utili...addirittura indispensabili, si "in-di-spen-sa-bi-li!".
Il dogma.

(Daniel Pennac, Come un romanzo, Feltrinelli p.56)

Sembra scritto da "uno di noi"!Contro il dogma, perché la lettura si scopre dentro come un organo che atrofizzato ha ripreso a funzionare...contro il dogma della lettura come dovere.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Call Back On Mammogram

must begin

am Melissa, mother of 7 wonderful people: the CIA 23 years, Dida 20, Matti 16, 13 Fanu, Shana 10, Bupi 7, and yokes, but the last not the least liked, 5 years. These are their nicknames home, in the moment I doubt whether to use their real names or not.

I, Lorenzo (my husband) live with our family in a small farm located in the Langhe area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Cuneo in Piedmont, along with several dairy goats, cats, a beloved dog and several chickens. We have a bell'orto and a wild forest with lots of deer, hares, foxes, wild boars and ...!

I keep this blog in order to put down on paper the things that each day brings us a gift. With three more school children are familiar, for over three years, and I find it very difficult to remember all the things beautiful end of the year when we did deliver our programs this year. In addition, vorrei poter aver un luogo dove posso segnalare tutti i miei link utili per poter apprendere in libertà ma allo stesso tempo adeguarsi alle regole e richieste e aspettative della Direzione Didattica della nostra località.  Spero che scrivendo, mi farà da stimolo per trovare il tempo e energia per proporre cose interessanti e divertenti da fare insieme.

Sono ormai 2 anni che non mi decido di iniziare a scrivere...credo che bisogna incominciare o non partirò mai! Vorrei far mio il detto "non fare domani quel che si può fare oggi." (se possibile, visto che, di cose ne ho da fare!)

Bene, questo è un piccolissimo introduzione, giusto per tastare il terreno e sentirmi sbloccata dalle mie mille ragioni not to start now. It is true that some of FIFF've got to write in Italian, when my tongue is English.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pink Wrestling Shoes For Sale


Sapevo che prima o poi avremmo dovuto fare i conti con la "pesantezza", con la "gravità", with "the opacity of the world." So called Calvin that gap between life and writing.
"At times it seemed that the world was turning into stone." To escape the relentless gaze of Medusa there is Calvin literature itself that example after example, story after story, indicating the escape routes of lightness: Perseus, Pegasus, Cavalcanti, Don Quixote ...
So the weight is a risk of everything it changes, what remains unchanged despite the pressures up or down.
When I started writing this blog I no longer had the habit of writing every day and the aim was to read something every day with you and for you, in modo da condividere quanto avevo scoperto. Poi scrivendo di quello che avevo letto mi sono innamorata di nuovo della scrittura, e dell'abitudine alla scrittura.
La prima volta ho sentito parlare di un blog non mi era chiaro che cosa fosse. Soltanto quando ho pensato ad una sorta di diario (non segreto) mi è venuta voglia di averne uno.
Quando ero bambina avevo anche io un diario, di quelli con un piccolo lucchetto ed una chiave sottile da portare sempre con sè. A 11 anni si scrive di sogni, amori, banchi di scuola e piccole catastrofi quotidiane. "Caro diario" era l'incipit di ogni pagina, quasi una dichiarazione di affetto e gratitudine. Il diario si riempiva di osservazioni sul nulla: e così il nothing turned over long distances of words, until the closing formula, "I have to go to sleep, good night."
many things we have learned by writing in the pages of a diary, first of all give a form to this day always the same, to adhere to the words "movements of the soul." But above all creating "movements of the soul."
was writing to make sense of the emotions I felt faint every day if it were not for the writing, everything was always just "happy" or "sad", "white" or "black" or "beautiful" or " ugly ".
It emerges from the pages of a diary with the feeling that you have created gray areas, undergrowth of emotions never felt before. We leave the sunny streets or stormy seas, we si sofferma tra muschi e licheni a contemplare i microscopici e complessi organismi viventi che per lo più ignoriamo.
Poi la vita accelera, e l'adolescenza si trasforma in un grande rullare di motori, un razzo pronto a lasciare l'atmosfera. La vita altrove: tutto diventa un dopo! Dopo i compiti, dopo gli esami, dopo l'inverno, dopo la laurea.
E quel dopo arriva in ritardo nelle nostre vita, quando cominciamo a vivere le nostre giornate ricordando il "prima": prima dei compiti, prima degli esami, prima dell'inverno, prima della laurea.
Ma torniamo alla leggerezza, ai blog e a Calvino: la scrittura quotidiana che affidiamo alle pagine di un blog ha immediatamente la possibilità lost in space almost "infinite", the network, reflected on the screen and under the eyes of people thousands of miles away, the blog escapes the cage, stone, lock of childhood memoir, search endless pages, gets wings and flies further.
We are far from first and later, the blog requires a new time, an eternal present that there is smiling like a promised land.
E 'blog the place where we take refuge after crossing the gaze of Medusa, we heard about the threat of petrification, the blog, our field of battle against the windmills, our house of feathers of hummingbirds, the ball cannon of Baron Munchausen, our floating island of Laputa in hyperspace.
In this light continue to entrust all the burdens of daily life, there is everything in the infinite universe of the blogosphere. Of course we must, in short, carry maps in order to distinguish the thousand holes stars, and blacks. Sometimes we Arena between wrecks and "junk", able to see the sails of the "pirates", old and new "Sirens" implores us to stop and listen, we need to tie the mast of our ship, or earplugs.
But the lightness is the everyday, the risk is to disappear, to rationalize and become untouchable.
What to do? Friends of the blog Letturevdiventerà our journal, and will have the subtitle "Friends of Light." Continue il nostro viaggio sarà la nostra lotta contro Medusa; insieme, però, con l'eco delle vostre parole, come la voce della ninfa innamorata di Narciso. Non rifugiatevi nelle vostre caverne. Viaggeremo insieme!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thank You Email Subject Interview Etiquette

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mini Eyeclops Projector Use With Computer

Messaggio Medjugorje del 02 Gennaio 2011

"Dear children, today I invite you to fellowship in Jesus, my Son.
My Heart Mother prays that you understand that the family of God
By means of spiritual freedom of the will that Heavenly Father has given you, you are called to hear for yourself the truth, good or bad.
that prayer and fasting, open your hearts and help you in the discovery of the Heavenly Father through My Son.
With the discovery of the Father, your life will be directed to the fulfillment of God's creation and of God's family, and likewise to my son.
I will not abandon you on this path. Thank you. "

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Homemade Muay Thai Equipment

"L'uomo nella tempesta"

Lo scorso 26 dicembre un uomo ha documentato con la sua telecamera la tempesta di neve che ha colpito New York. E ne ha fatto un cortometraggio da Oscar. E' questo il parere di Roger Ebert - uno dei più accreditati critici cinematografici USA - che ha pubblicato il filmato sul blog che scrive sul sito del Chicago Sun-Times Secondo Ebert il video, girato da Jamie Stuart e chiamato "Un idiota col cavalletto", meriterebbe una statuetta come "migliore cortometraggio in presa diretta" per tre motivi: "(1) Per la sua magnifica qualità. (2) Per l'omaggio che fa al classico "L'uomo con la macchina da presa" di Dziga Vertov, girato nel 1929

(A proposito ecco il video di Dziga Vertov)

(3) Perché rappresenta un incredibile esempio di efficienza tecnica: è stato girato il 26 dicembre e la mail con cui l'ho ricevuto da Jamie Stuart è datata 27 dicembre 2010". Su YouTUbe, intanto, il filmato ha già totalizzato più di 250.000 visualizzazioni.

LA by Pier Luigi Pisa