Saturday, April 24, 2010

What If I Go Past Due Date With Ivf Pregnancy


On April 29, please note that St. Catherine of Siena, together with St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of Italy but also in Europe.
recite his prayers:

O bride of Christ, the flower of our country. Angel of the Church be blessed.

Thou hast loved the souls redeemed by your Divine Bridegroom, as he tears spargesti
on the beloved homeland, for the Church and the Pope consumasti the flame of your life.

When the plague raged claiming victims and discord, you spend Angelo
good of charity and peace. Against the moral disorder that reigned everywhere, you called
manfully to rally the good will of all the faithful.

Morente invocasti you over the souls, over Italy and Europe, over the Church, the precious Blood of the Lamb.

O St. Catherine, patroness Our sweet sister, you win the error, keep the faith, flash, souls gather around the pastor. The our country, blessed by God, chosen by Christ, for your intercession true picture of Celeste charity in prosperity and peace.

the Church extends to you as the Savior wished for you both
the Pope as the Father loved and sought the advice of all.

And our souls for you to be enlightened, faithful to the duty to Italy, Europe
and the Church, always aimed toward the sky, nor the Kingdom of God where the Father, the Word
radiate the Divine love above all spirit eternal light, perfect joy.



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