Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How To Convert A Usb To A Dongle Device?

... No.

Look around you, girl!
Look at your world carved into the Earth
with scarlet blood of a thousand sources.

Look, baby!
This is the land that your
have built for you.

good look at the sky, beautiful little girl, and tell me: Is not it true that
is crying?
Are not those tears that bathe your roses?

You see those mountains, and white?
One day there will be no more. See
nightingale that sings its sweet song?
will be swept, baby, from your.

Look around you, you will only find death and destruction
're the reason all this
But if you can not, small,
close your big blue eyes
And you will find a world that is waiting just for you
Just for me and for you
Only for those who chose to raise her face to spit
face the judge And
run away with me.

The girl stops in the middle of the sidewalk. Watch the show has before his eyes, what he always had before but never seen Now I can see it well, unveiled on view, in perspective. Her face is imprinted on a face of disgust, then the expression changes again and becomes a stubborn child smile. The housekeeper, the calling, but the girl does not care at all of her screams almost angry. Watch still around him and smiles even more: a solution, he found, was made aware of what he has always known. For a moment is lost and passes on her sweet face shadow of fear ...
- No. ... No! -
closes his eyes. A single moment that changed their lives.
When they reopened the governor backs. Was advanced with uplifted hands, determined to give those who would barrel moved. The poor woman was almost frightened. What happened to the girl from the docile blue skirt? There's another girl ... another ... heart.
The big blue eyes seem to flash. They acquired an expressiveness frightening. Shine, send lightning everywhere. Behind the sky there is something moving, it takes the body that belongs asleep.

His soul has been awakened!

The new baby looks strange new world that is revealed. What he sees does not like at all: frowns and eyes still sparkle. The ruling sends a nervous and startled yelp. Then her look so young seems to go further ... beyond the walls, the railway, the train itself, the school, power plant and all the apartments ... come and see what is out there, far away e nascosto alle altre menti... sorride, ora. Un cenno e la donna la segue. Non osa disobbedire alla nuova sicurezza della sua bimba. Bimba che non sarà mai più come prima.
Il giorno dopo la governante si licenziò.

Sono passati anni da quando ho chiuso le porte al mondo umano. Laggiù non è cambiato niente. Qui la vita è illuminata dalla luce delle stelle, riscaldata da un immortale fuoco danzante, dissetata da un fiume di splendente energia.

E' diventata una donna. Il suo volto a cuore è cambiato.
Gli occhi celesti sono ancora accesi da quella luce.

La gente la rispetta con una sorta di
ammirazione, ma la fears. The
afraid because it's so ... different.
It is rumored in the streets is a spirit.
Oh, wretched people, because instead of crying on the tombs of existence, do not close your eyes and learn to live
That woman is happy. Who is close to earning her hope.
Even the old and the mothers do not approve, the children go by, and laugh with her,
in a world that adults can not understand, envious.
She lives alone. E 'adult now, but only in appearance. Nothing now can weigh the heart. She lives alone. Its not there anymore.
E 'smart, and stands in the intellect more than any other. Of course, does not bother to give it see. She does not care at all what you may think of her.

Time has ceased to be against

Never was there a trace of fatigue on his skin transparent
Never once have tears wet her face.

E 'morning. The woman wakes up, shakes a little between the white sheets. A ray of sun came up timidly, and wraps, encouraged by his beaming smile. The night is what happened long craved: a sign of the proved, he now knows where to look. Dresses. It is not particularly attentive to the current fashion, but to see her, dressed all is well. Her blond hair is tamed and divided into two pacifiers. Things from another mondo: mai si è vista una donna adulta che, con ostinata noncuranza, tenga così i suoi biondi capelli. In pochi secondi è pronta: ha una valigia e anche il suo gatto nero sembra pronto per il viaggio. Semplicemente, così, la mattina alle cinque, nella luce dell'alba, lei abbandona la sua casa ed esce per cominciare a vivere davvero.
Sta camminando in un bosco. Il vento le scompiglia i capelli, un uccellino le cinguetta il suo benvenuto... il sole la accoglie, ridente con lei, splende riflesso in quegli occhi, nel viso innocente...
Finalmente trova quello che cerca. Lo trova parecchi chilometri più lontano, in un altro paese, ma no si è stancata e non ha mai smesso di viaggiare: le potenze che la mantengono non hanno limite. Così si incontrano: lei, la ragazza mai cresciuta, e lui, l'uomo dal cuore infante. Si guardano negli occhi: hanno già visto i reciproci visi. E finalmente di abbracciano in una stretta dolce, si prendono per mano e... con lo stupore dei passanti, nel bel mezzo di una città, il sole di oscurò e sorse la Luna; una luce priva di colori ma più luminosa del cielo illuminò l'ambiente e i due, tendendosi per mano e ridendo tra di loro, cavalcarono il vento insieme a cento dragoni e giunsero nel paradiso.



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