Saturday, August 30, 2008

Error Abnormal Program Termination Rct3

History - Drawings.

Ho fatto tre disegni. Il primo è Axel.
Il secondo rappresenta una banda di amici per la pelle.
Il terzo è contro l'akuroku.
Amici miei, vi voglio un bene dell'anima.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Ellure Embroidery Hoop


Ecco l'esclamazione che urlo quando, cazzeggiando tranquillamente su DeviantArt alla ricerca di Axel, mi imbatto in un Akuroku.
Ragazzi. Siamo seri, na. DA QUANDO UN'AMICIZIA DEVE PER FORZA ESSERE 'DI PIù'??? No akuroku. Ho visto certe immagini stupende, è vero. Axel è SEMPRE disegnato benissimo - e ciò non capita ever, in the ordinary art - and Roku as well.
Why not separate? Eh?
Mica are angry!
No akuroku . Please. Axel loves Roxas not. Dai. He least eight years younger than him, and is a dandy with semi bimbomikia serious memory problems. why Axel keeps repeating 'Got It Memorized'. With such a cold fish in the vicinity, it is best and repeat twice, nah?
Anyway, if you're in the mood for pairings, Nomura sama offers a choice of top quality. Removing
Aku, there are eleven men and a woman thug.
Just what I like, eh? Just what should be the victim of a yaoi =________=
Enough, I decided. I will make a nice fan art. Axel pounding Roku. Yea.
I have in mind the layout. Perfect.
Now, um, a bit 'of spam. I wanted to point readers to the Gentiles [who?] The artist ' illbewaiting ' DA, which has created beautiful masterpieces, although the theme akuroku or yaoi. His Axel is all over the web, which looks more natural.
And if I tell you, the # 1 fangirl, which has the action figures and two hundred and sixty different frames from the video, plus many pictures and fan art, posters everywhere Axel and a box full of themed designs, you must trust .
Um, congratulations to illbewaiting .


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Livestock Trailer Clip Art

Look at the sky, my dear. Stars are crying

Star star,

the night approaches, the flame

the cow is in the stable,
the cow has her calf,
the ewe lamb, a hen has its

the mother her child, the flame goes out

and all are sleeping,
the heart of the mother.

Who would have guessed it, baby. These words now make me cry just

Friday, June 6, 2008

Math Formula For Specific Gravity In Aquarium

Today I Saw A God

The bus was proceeding towards the city, a little skidding in curves. It was about seven three-quarters, the sun lit up my world already. I looked out the window at the scenery. To my right fields and green forests, before me the outskirts of the city where the bus I was leading, inexorably, to one of my last days of seventh grade. To my left a small valley between two hills depressed, was perched on the highest Urbino, the town from the windows shining light of summer. In the valley of wheat fields. What I was looking that moment was caught between the road and a small garden. I noticed the difference: while the rest of the field had already been cut, the wheat, still uneducated, had formed a soft mantle of oscillating spikes. I went to another one plowed and left, with no particular interest, my eyes ran along the pace of a vehicle. Then I saw him and frowned, turned to me not to lose sight and grasp well the forms, but we were already gone and the bus, cruel, continued. I risistemai seat, confused, then I tried to keep quiet.
There was a black cat and red gold field in the vast, immortal and stared straight ahead in the heat of the morning.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How To Convert A Usb To A Dongle Device?

... No.

Look around you, girl!
Look at your world carved into the Earth
with scarlet blood of a thousand sources.

Look, baby!
This is the land that your
have built for you.

good look at the sky, beautiful little girl, and tell me: Is not it true that
is crying?
Are not those tears that bathe your roses?

You see those mountains, and white?
One day there will be no more. See
nightingale that sings its sweet song?
will be swept, baby, from your.

Look around you, you will only find death and destruction
're the reason all this
But if you can not, small,
close your big blue eyes
And you will find a world that is waiting just for you
Just for me and for you
Only for those who chose to raise her face to spit
face the judge And
run away with me.

The girl stops in the middle of the sidewalk. Watch the show has before his eyes, what he always had before but never seen Now I can see it well, unveiled on view, in perspective. Her face is imprinted on a face of disgust, then the expression changes again and becomes a stubborn child smile. The housekeeper, the calling, but the girl does not care at all of her screams almost angry. Watch still around him and smiles even more: a solution, he found, was made aware of what he has always known. For a moment is lost and passes on her sweet face shadow of fear ...
- No. ... No! -
closes his eyes. A single moment that changed their lives.
When they reopened the governor backs. Was advanced with uplifted hands, determined to give those who would barrel moved. The poor woman was almost frightened. What happened to the girl from the docile blue skirt? There's another girl ... another ... heart.
The big blue eyes seem to flash. They acquired an expressiveness frightening. Shine, send lightning everywhere. Behind the sky there is something moving, it takes the body that belongs asleep.

His soul has been awakened!

The new baby looks strange new world that is revealed. What he sees does not like at all: frowns and eyes still sparkle. The ruling sends a nervous and startled yelp. Then her look so young seems to go further ... beyond the walls, the railway, the train itself, the school, power plant and all the apartments ... come and see what is out there, far away e nascosto alle altre menti... sorride, ora. Un cenno e la donna la segue. Non osa disobbedire alla nuova sicurezza della sua bimba. Bimba che non sarà mai più come prima.
Il giorno dopo la governante si licenziò.

Sono passati anni da quando ho chiuso le porte al mondo umano. Laggiù non è cambiato niente. Qui la vita è illuminata dalla luce delle stelle, riscaldata da un immortale fuoco danzante, dissetata da un fiume di splendente energia.

E' diventata una donna. Il suo volto a cuore è cambiato.
Gli occhi celesti sono ancora accesi da quella luce.

La gente la rispetta con una sorta di
ammirazione, ma la fears. The
afraid because it's so ... different.
It is rumored in the streets is a spirit.
Oh, wretched people, because instead of crying on the tombs of existence, do not close your eyes and learn to live
That woman is happy. Who is close to earning her hope.
Even the old and the mothers do not approve, the children go by, and laugh with her,
in a world that adults can not understand, envious.
She lives alone. E 'adult now, but only in appearance. Nothing now can weigh the heart. She lives alone. Its not there anymore.
E 'smart, and stands in the intellect more than any other. Of course, does not bother to give it see. She does not care at all what you may think of her.

Time has ceased to be against

Never was there a trace of fatigue on his skin transparent
Never once have tears wet her face.

E 'morning. The woman wakes up, shakes a little between the white sheets. A ray of sun came up timidly, and wraps, encouraged by his beaming smile. The night is what happened long craved: a sign of the proved, he now knows where to look. Dresses. It is not particularly attentive to the current fashion, but to see her, dressed all is well. Her blond hair is tamed and divided into two pacifiers. Things from another mondo: mai si è vista una donna adulta che, con ostinata noncuranza, tenga così i suoi biondi capelli. In pochi secondi è pronta: ha una valigia e anche il suo gatto nero sembra pronto per il viaggio. Semplicemente, così, la mattina alle cinque, nella luce dell'alba, lei abbandona la sua casa ed esce per cominciare a vivere davvero.
Sta camminando in un bosco. Il vento le scompiglia i capelli, un uccellino le cinguetta il suo benvenuto... il sole la accoglie, ridente con lei, splende riflesso in quegli occhi, nel viso innocente...
Finalmente trova quello che cerca. Lo trova parecchi chilometri più lontano, in un altro paese, ma no si è stancata e non ha mai smesso di viaggiare: le potenze che la mantengono non hanno limite. Così si incontrano: lei, la ragazza mai cresciuta, e lui, l'uomo dal cuore infante. Si guardano negli occhi: hanno già visto i reciproci visi. E finalmente di abbracciano in una stretta dolce, si prendono per mano e... con lo stupore dei passanti, nel bel mezzo di una città, il sole di oscurò e sorse la Luna; una luce priva di colori ma più luminosa del cielo illuminò l'ambiente e i due, tendendosi per mano e ridendo tra di loro, cavalcarono il vento insieme a cento dragoni e giunsero nel paradiso.


Friday, May 16, 2008

Alice In Wonderland 2010 Movie Leak Online

Goodbye, Mum.

Uscimmo di home at three and eight, with a laugh. In advance, as always, but I expected from my best friend? The church is two hundred yards from his house. I tried to imagine what I look like: In the morning I wore a black shirt, tight-fitting and synthetic, for the occasion, covering it almost completely with the fleece of the same color from the big pockets and sleeves tattered. Nothing better at home. My favorite pants, a brown-dark green, were readily prepared two days before. I love them. Six large pockets, where I could put everything. Airwalk at the foot of the usual green and blue, in the pants that covered the laces. My hair was unwatchable. I took a shower the day before, and the effect della tanto desiderata piastra era andato a farsi fottere. Crespi, intrecciati. La frangetta era stata saggiamente riposta dietro l'orecchio sinistro con una forcina. Lanciai uno sguardo al braccio destro. Sotto la manica spessa e pesante della felpa si nascondevano provvisori tatuaggi creati con i colori a spirito, con il mio nome in giapponese scritto prima a penna, poi inciso nella carne con le forbici, e una versione variopinta del DEATH NOTE, in giapponese sopra l'italiano, con tanto di una mela dalle molteplici sfumature a coronarla. Disegni che mia madre non avrebbe mai dovuto scoprire.
Cercavo di scherzare, stando al gioco, ma i miei pensieri erano lungi dall'essere felici. Dopotutto, stavamo andando ad un funerale.
Salendo quel piccolo tratto of road that separated us-indeed, that separated me from tears, we saw the head of Mirco tick by on a white Opel Astra. He, too, in advance, as always, I thought. The car moved and I could also see Sharon, too small to appear on top of the machine. Joined them in four steps, and we respectfully we turned the other way. Behind us, the person who for almost two years now, our nightmares populated school: prof. Italian.
I avoided looking at her now. I was right there for two days, and I knew how I would find. I also knew his condition would have astonished me. In tears. Bitter tears all too human.
I had tried several times to trace his psychological profile, per capire bene come avrei dovuto comportarmi con lei. E con rabbia avevo scoperto che, dopo le linee generali, non riuscivo ad andare oltre. Una umiliazione terribile. Di solito sapevo prevedere i comportamenti di chi mi circondava, ma con lei niente da afre. Imprevedibile. Sapevo benissimo che sarei stata sconvolta, e ne avevo motivo. Quello che i miei compagni non capiscono è che io ho una percezione molto diversa e molto più terribilmente dettagliata di una standard.
Ci girammo: eravamo in quattro, e non sapevamo che fare. Condoglianze? E come si fa? Adesso o dopo? Malgrado la situazione, ridicola e troppo osèe per i livelli dei miei "amici", tre di noi trattenevano a stento le risate -risate isteriche e improbabili, ma risate-. Tre di noi erano nervosi e in veno di scherzi. La quarta ero io.
Come un le vibrisse di un gatto, il mo corpo tastava la tristezza e la disperazione nell'aria. Ed eccolo lì, il punto centrale, la fonte dell'aura viola che mi appesantiva il cuore. Una donna sui cinquant'anni, di altezza sotto il normale, dai capelli rossi e neri e occhiali verde chiaro, cappotto nero e, sul volto un poco rugoso, bagnato di lacrime. Presi coraggio e consapevole del dolore che avrei inflitto a me stessa, mi azzardai a guardarla. Come avevo preveduto, il suo stato era... strano. Nel suo volto e nella sua mente il dolore c'era, e forte, ma conviveva con una sorta di... passiva accettazione. Scoprii con orrore che il mio modo di soffrire era simile al suo, sebbene molto più complex.
Some of us wanted to go immediately to make these ... condolences. We were excited because the caves did not come. Where to from here, near the bus stop, comes David. We pulled a sigh of relief as he always knows what to do.
Be ', did not know.
arrived three or four companions. The Mass was beginning, and the prof. and others, including Dean, they entered. We took the obvious decision: to follow the stream of people who were accessing the site. We reached hastily two benches empty and we sat down, talking excitedly among ourselves to decide what to do. Meanwhile, I noticed, who entered proceeded to ... I shuddered. In front of the altar was a tomb of dark wood, covered with flowers, and beside her ... the nearest relative that the old gentleman had: his daughter. The people approached and said something, or were silent, to her, then kissing his cheeks. With people more aware of the kiss ended with a hug, and sometimes a few tears.
I was not the only one to notice the comings and goings of people. My group got up, I asked Sharon what and how.
-We are a flock of sheep-
I told her, with a half-laughing child. Proceeded to the altar. Prof. and saw us, one by one, we kiss. I was the last. The final and, among the fifteen students who had arrived in the meantime, the only one with the tears that were standing on the edge of the lashes. There we gave a quick kiss, as is customary, and coma I whispered to the other, plan "Thanks."
I returned to my seat, being affected by the power of that word. It was not part of the usual thanks I felt. The word was like a way to make gratitude. I would never have believed that such a feeling would come out with such force from the lips of the woman. I went back in place, close to the end of the bench thinking and governing the impulse that told me to help her. He was a limit I had set: violating the rules only in extreme cases. And if it was, well, 'I was blinded by common sense and respect. I allowed myself to observe it, and slowly begins to share the horror. From time to time one of my companions, now close and crowded on benches, threw a curious glance and almost annoyed at me. I do not care. The confusion that penetrated my mind ... pain, suffering, the imposition to be strong. I looked away, out of respect, and the Mass began.
clenched fists on the hips to hold me, in a gesture that, if one of my observers had been paying attention, would certainly have been coded as anger.
Biascicai two words on the cross when he was on duty, and I made signs slowly and gently. Even such an event could awaken my faith in this type of church. I tried to communicate, stupidly, with the source of pain.
It's okay. It should be better now. Calm. You're not alone.
that "you", because even mentally, the lowered my level, with embarrassment and I realized at that moment could have been treated this way. Not a weakness, a need.
Standing, sitting. Cross on the forehead, mouth, heart. Standing, sitting.
I stirred from my desk. Do not even moved my legs once, fearing that the movement would have forced me to act. Then came the moment of communion. The beat quickened. I would not have gone to the altar to take white bread. Twice I was asked why, and a whispered "I can not" without explanation. I stubbornly refused to profess a man like that. My relationship with religion is more than good, but in the balance. I hate the way that the ultimate truth is disfigured and ruined. Humanity sa cogliere la perfetta semplicità delle cose.
Ascoltavo il prete, un uomo basso e tondo, in modo superficiale. Quando però iniziò a parlare della madre della prof., mi feci attenta.
Venni a conoscenza che la tanto temuta donna era vissuta da sempre con la madre, poiché il padre era morto prima che lei nascesse. Quando la madre si era ammalata, lei aveva iniziato ad occuparsene da sola, non avendo marito né parenti. Il parroco usò le parole "passare la sua croce". I miei occhi diventarono fessure per un istante, momentaneamente odiando quell'uomo che così rovinava l'insieme.
Infine la Messa finì. Uscii dopo gli altri, lentamente. Avevo il cuore pesante, e gli occhi gonfi. Il mio umore ultimamente era stato orribile, e i miei problemi erano peggiorati. Il colpo di grazia mi sfasciò la fragile benda con cui avevo avvolto la mente. Raggiunsi gli altri, ma mi misi da parte, dietro un'altra coppia di persone, stando bene attenta ad evitare prof. e simili. Dopo qualche istante iniziò a piovere. La mia felpona aveva il cappuccio, ma attesi prima di metterlo. E fissai la pioggia. Davanti a me, la macchina dove dopo dopo sarebbe stata spostata la bara per portarla al cimitero. A vedere l'ambiente ricolmo di fiori mi si chiuse lo stomaco, e per respingere le lacrime dovetti guardare in alto.
La mia migliore amica doveva andare alla lezione di nuoto. Volevo rimanere, cercare di dare il mio contributo disperato alla cerimonia, ma fui costretta ad andare.Noi boys, having no means of transport, we would still have to follow and end the procession. I wondered suddenly of a particular I had not considered: it would have been buried. I had no idea why.
greet the other, and I wanted to shake hands with the prof. But you could not see, including people.
We turned, and full of thoughts, I pulled down the hood in the meantime I had protected from the rain. My friend covered with his sweatshirt. He walked briskly, dodging cars that went in the opposite direction, toward the cemetery. I immediately distanced. When we were a little distant from the traffic, he stopped to see where I was, and gave me a resigned look of indignation at my face discovered.
"get wet!" Flashed before his eyes.
continued walking, ignoring her. I also thought of her, and how easy it was his perfect life.
I do not put the cap, Michy, closed my eyes and a single, small and innocent tear came down her cheek wet.
.... this rain hides the tears.

That's when it happened today. My heart wrote these words for a soul which now has more body, and for those who still remember.
Goodbye, Mum.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Small Lightweight Sturdy Tripod

slowly dying ... Read

Slowly dies who does not change gear
He or she who does not put the arrow when svolta
Lentamente muore chi non tira il freno a mano in discesa
Chi sbaglia nell'usare la presa
Chi gli casca in testa un'obesa, la casa o la torre di Pisa
Muore lentamente chi non fa come la Marcuzzi
E se non riesce ad andare in bagno, se la tiene tutta dentro
Muore lentamente chi non si leva prontamente da sotto il casco della permanente
Muore più velocemente chi mette le dita nella presa di corrente
Chi non si sposta quando cascano le piante
E chi mangia le amanite velenose al ristorante
Muore lentamente tanta bella gente
Ma c'è anche
E you know
A gang of balls that never dies.
Luciana Littizzetto.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Near Charles Playhouse Dinner Boston

Reading is getting inside the card and navigate in the letters, reading is to be late to school to finish the chapter, reading is not sleeping and getting hurt the eyes to do so. Reading is why we must stop being scold, is to go read the book anywhere, read and cherish the pages once you finished the story, read and sleep to dream of history, reading is to have the dreamy look throughout the day, we read and hear the wind sitting on the leather chair near the fireplace. Reading is to buy a light bulb and stay hidden awake until 4 am, reading is cry when they take away the book, read and draw at random players.
Reading is to invent, to dream, to live.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Empyre Jackets I Need Help Picking A Jacket?

Simply Perfect.

Simply Perfect. Simply perfect. Half? No, the mirror. Perfect. I am me, and you are you. PERFECT. And I found it really? And 'he? Sons of humanity itself, of course. Perhaps you, not me, and I'm proud. My category alone do me, thanks. I know who I am, I know as I am, and is a big step. Live as you like, but never stop. I built my soul with the blood, the iron, the fire, then I discovered there, buried in the depths of my identity, there was that real, ready, perfect, unique. But I learned something. He who hesitates is lost. Who stops waiver, he loses. Game Over. This wonderful world was reduced to pulp by the locals, yet continues to maintain its light. His heart is sick, not off. I'll find it.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sports Quotes Religious

Dedication. The Dolphin

They all do, but I want a space in a personal way.
I would like to make some dedications to my friends, my family, and those who help me to change.

hug mami and papi because without them I would not be here.
Mami and Papi because it helps me because it's always crazy like me.
A punch on the head with my brother because he's the most annoying being I know But I feel a duty to protect him.
A big kiss to grandparents who do not ever leave me alone.
A strong hug to Elsa, who is a friend sincere.
Greetings to Cynthia because, in the school, the only one that tries to get close.
Big hugs to my sister who is really the same as me, and is the only one who can understand me almost completely, including defects.
A pat on the back to Max, who is my best friend, as well as his brother. Ony
hug you because it's crazy.
A hug and a stab at Shup because it is my best friend and had to move, with the photo -.-
Greetings Guano, a Kitten, and Frank (who is pissed O_O) because even if do not know them well they are nice. A bolt from
Sedanini because it's cute.
A kiss to my cat because he is always with me.
A big kiss also to dogs, fish and other cat oo
And finally a look at Basky, which only knows Bucci, ispiegabilmente.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rc Airboat Kits For Sale

"There comes a time in life
you do not need to do
that go their own way to the end.
That's the time to pursue their dreams,
that it is time to take off,
of their strong convictions. "
"When desperation leads to the darkest
you are given the opportunity to discover
your true nature.
Just like the dreams come to life
when you least expect it, so it does
for answers to questions
you can not solve.
Let your instincts
trace the route to wisdom,
and do your fears are
defeats dalla speranza."

"La maggior parte di noi non è preparata
ad affrontare i fallimenti
ed è per questo che non siamo capaci
di compiere il nostro destino.
E' facile sfidare quel che non coporta
alcun rischio."

"L'amore è anche imparare
a rinunciare all'altro, a saper dire addio
senza lasciare che i tuoi sentimenti
ostacolino ciò che probabilmente
sarà la cosa migliore
for those we love. "

" The discovery of the Worlds will not get you
only happiness and wisdom,
but also sadness and fear.
As you can appreciate happiness without knowing that
cosìè sadness?
How can you achieve wisdom,
not face your fears?
Eventually, the great challenge of life is
in overcoming our limitations,
pushing us in places where
we never imagined we would come. "

"Dreams are made of hard work.
Maybe if we try to take shortcuts,
lose sight of the reason
so we started dreaming
and end we discover that the dream
not ours anymore.
If we listen to the wisdom of the heart
infallible time we will meet our destiny.
"Quandostai to give up,
when you feel that life was
too hard on yourself,
remember who you are.
Remember your dream. "

" There are things you can not see with your eyes
you see with the heart
and this is not easy . If
find the spirit of youth
inside you,
with memories of now and dreams of the time, you can revive it

and look for a way the adventure we call
toward a better destiny.
And your heart will never be tired
nor old ... "

" Decisions are a way
to define themselves.
are a way to give life and meaning to
are the way to make us
what we want. "

" Where are you going
there are no paths or trails,
only your instincts.
Did you follow the signs
and eventually you get.
Now you have to do
the big plunge into the unknown
and find out for myself
who is wrong,
who is right,
who you really are. "

" Some things will be increasingly strong
of time and distance,
deeper than language and habits:
follow their dreams
and learn to be themselves,
sharing with others
the magic of discovery ... "

From" The Dolphin "by Sergio Bambaren.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Raquetball Courts In Orange County

many things ...

... How many things can be changed simply by writing.
By moving your fingers across the keyboard.
I do not like that has got all this power, the computer ... but sometimes it is good, indeed, is the only way to do certain things.
I changed many things by dancing fingers, things that now you can not change things meravigliore, but I made many mistakes. And even those can be changed, but they taught me how to avoid the next.
I have many friends now, and yet I can not remain in doubt about the past, although I know that I should not do.
And when I finally found the solution is too late for certain things, but just in time for others.
Despite everything I'm jealous of this little corner of happiness that I created around a corner that has no roots and is in constant motion.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Can You Catch Hepatitis From A Razor Blade

Hell Song

Sum 41-Hell Song

Everybody's Got Their problems
Everybody Says The Same Things To You
It's just a matter how you solve Them
And Knowing how to change the things you've been through
I feel I've Come To Realize
How fast life can be compromised
Step back to see what's going on
I can't beleive this happened to you
This happened to you
It's just a problem that I'm faced with am I
Not the only one who hates to stand by
Complications that are first in this line
With all these pictures running through my mind
Knowing endless consequences
I feel so useless in this
Get back, step back,
and as for me,
i can't believe.
Part of me, won't agree
Cause I don't know if it's for sure
Suddenly, suddenly
I don't feel so insecure
Part of me, won't agree
Cause I don't know if it's for sure
Suddenly, suddenly
I don't feel so insecure
Everybody's got their problems
Everybody says the same things to you
It's just a matter how you solve them
But what else are we supposed to do
Part of me, won't agree
Cause I don't know if it's for sure
Suddenly, suddenl
yI don't feel so insecure
Part of me, won't agree
Cause I don't know if it's for sure
Suddenly, suddenly
I don't feel so insecure
Why do things that matter the most
Never end up being what we chose
Now that I find no way so bad
I don't think I knew what I had
Why do things that matter the most
Never end up being what we chose
Now that I find no way so bad
I don't think I knew what I had

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

39 Weeks Pregnant Egg White Discharge



O almeno... so chi è.
L'esistenza ha compiuto il suo scopo
Ora non resta che arrivare alla meta.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

4x8'trailer Plans Blueprints


« E soltanto allora cosa? » domandò il daimon con aria assonna-
ta. « Costruiremo cosa? »
« La repubblica dei cieli » disse Lyra.

Space Saver Treadmill How To Unlock Space Saver

greet ... Reflection Questions

Volevo salutare il mondo, tutto qui.
[classico idiotismo occulto.]

Friday, January 25, 2008

How To Obtain Immunization Record In Iran

Vi siete mai chiesti il motivo dell'esistenza? Io no, e mai lo farò.
E' una di quelle stupide domande che gli umani si fanno per rovinarsi la vita.
Vivere è un dono. Perchè sprecarlo? Mi danno così tanta rabbia i suicidi.
Hai una meta? Seguila. E le tue scelte costruiranno il tuo destino.
At a rough guess everyone has it.
Why ... be because these questions? It is not a trivial thing, make no sense, yet I see around me myriads of people afflicted by bullshit.
Seriously, should not I be the one to say it, but fuck, learn to live.
Italy is not bad, are large and make it ... shit, to say what I think.
Hundreds of people who spend their lives silly to debate whether to do something or not, if an apostrophe in a law can change the constitution.
I suck adults in this country. Stupid, nonsensical, obtuse, attached to tradition.
Yesterday the government fell.
But shit, you realize that the things of the generally happens (going on) only in countries with a dictatorship, or a MONARCHY, OR OTHERWISE IN PLACES OF SHIT?
If anyone of the people I mentioned reading this post, I have a word repeated as many times as you have earned:


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tiffany Granath Adoptbaby

place a text that makes you think.
was wet and muddy and hungry and cold and he was fifty thousand light years from home.
A stranger gave only a cold blue light and gravity, twice what he was used to, made of any movement difficult.
But after tens of thousands of years ques'angolo of war had not changed. It was convenient to were fine with their ships are polished and overtook them, but when it came down to it, touched the soldier on the ground, the infantry, to take a position and hold it, with blood, inch by inch. Like this damned planet of a star never heard of it until we had landed. And now it was sacred ground because there too the enemy. The enemy, the only other intelligent race in the galaxy ... Cruel, shifosi, repulsive monsters.
The first contact had taken place near the center of the Galaxy, after a slow and difficult settlement of a few thousand planets, and it was war, now, they'd shoot without even groped an agreement, a peaceful solution.
Now, planet to planet, it was fight, with tooth and nail.
was wet and muddy and hungry and cold, and the day was raw with a violent wind that hurt his eyes. But the enemies were trying to infiltrate and every outpost was vital.
He stayed alert, gun ready. Fifty-years òuce from home, fighting on a strange world and wondering if he would ever made to bring home the skin. fide Then one of them crawling toward him. He took aim and fired. The enemy made that strange horrible sound they all did, then did not move again.
The sound and sight of the corpse made him shudder. Many, over time, they had become accustomed, there were more cases, but he was not. Creatures they were crap, with only two arms and two legs, the skin of a ghastly white, and without scales.
not know about you, I have learned about the first half of the text. It expresses my point of view, sure.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Litt Pet Shop Para Jogar


New year, new works.
First, I began a series of drawings on my beloved Org.
It is titled: Organization XIII: Summer on the Beach 2008.
The title says it all.
E Proud to be the first twelve years old ALL OVER THE WORLD TO HAVE DESIGNED AND AXEL Demyx IN BIKINI!!

Tutto si guasta con il fatto che non ho uno scanner, ma la soddisfazione è grande lo stesso.
Il secondo lavoro è un'altra serie di disegni che rappresenta la mia carriera accademica su NNC.
Altrettanto divertente.
Appeno ho finito li fotografo e li hosto, per i curiosi *O*
Sono sicura che Xamar e la Lony saranno curiose di vederli.

HaVe FuN.

Monday, January 7, 2008

454 Big Block Out Of An Rv

EHIA ...

E' da un po che non aggiorno, non ho avuto tempo e ci sono stati problemi.
A chiunque stia leggendo queste righe: Happy New Year.
Sì, ci sono delle novità: ho un pc e il router, che puntualmente non funziona =P.
Ho "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, "or" Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, "which also is not translated correctly. Tranduce is" Harry Potter and the Deadly Relics ". But never mind.
My mood is bad. I'm back in the dark of my world. It 's all so trivial ... ... and I feel the lack of what I'm looking for.
I need it as soon as possible.
And then I have to decide to speak with a person that seems to me ignores, or is in trouble pre him. From his face I would say yes. And I'm talking about you, in the unlikely event that you're reading this, but maybe you're too inpegnato in Second Life or that girl of IIE.
If you discuss problems, we know from a lifetime!
I'm going to eat, maybe go back dopo.
Ci sono altre succulenti novità OçO.