Monday, February 28, 2011

Does The Pilates Ring Help Bow Legs


Giovan Battista Moroni, The Tailor, 1570, National Gallery, London

The poems that I propose today is a gift, unexpected as all the gifts of two friends just met through the blog.
The first is titled "Friends of Readings and Light" and the author is Leonardo Pieretti.
Leonardo did a beautiful portrait of our blog and what difficulty all writers want to get the words.
The second is a poem by Fernando Pessoa, "The Fortunate Islands" submitted by John D., of Sassari he just "met" in a corner (or a post) remote Friends of Reading.
After nearly two years of conversations with the Friends of Readings, are happy to open the pages of the Friends of Readings, that is not the first students to write to us and to us.
The year 2011 brought me the news of a transformation, a change of skin for a while 'I will leave without armor: not more than-it for a while-teach literature, no longer-living it for a while-Rome. A new city, a new identity. I hope that Friends of Readings will turn to me and help me to wear the new "skin" or "dress" - while remaining in tune with the theme of today's post. The blog, collective writing workshop? A laboratory that impels us to get out there? Step off the chair (there sometimes you hear the voice of the sea ), breaking the pencil "red and blue", replace it with the feather of a hummingbird light and colorful. A color for each word guessed.
:) Thanks Leo and John!

Friends of Readings and Lightness (Leonardo Pieretti)

I would like to return to tailoring
cut to shape and then reshape unpick
lightly with a little poetry.

The Fortunate Islands

Which voice is the sound of the waves
that is not the voice of the sea?
It 's the voice of someone who speaks to us, but
that if we listen, silent,
be made just for listening.
And only if, half asleep,
hear without knowing that we hear, it speaks of hope

towards which, as a child
sleeping, sleeping smile.
are fortunate islands,
are lands that have no place, where the King lives
But if you go arousing,
voice is silent, and only there is the sea.

Fernando Pessoa (poetry Contributed by John D.)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Honeywell Air Purifier Mississauga


Photo: The singer Umberto Bindi

Some sentences have the force of a story bibilico, as the "fiat lux" who lit the universe stars.
Henceforth ... today I'm thinking about the strength of a sentence that begins "from now on" all the promises we made and we will do, tutte le occasioni che subito coglieremo, tutti gli errori che mai più commetteremo..."d'ora in poi"
Stasera mi ritrovo a pensare che "d'ora in poi" vivrò tutti i giorni come se avessi sete, andrò alla ricerca di acqua nei pozzi del sapere; d'ora in poi fotograferò il mondo con le parole; d'ora in poi tutto potrà essere raccontato: ad esempio che direste se vostra moglie si incarnasse in un Tir giallo e cominciasse a seguirvi ovunque con il respiro di un dinosauro di metallo? Tutto può essere trasformato in una storia per ingannare il tempo.
D'ora in poi non leggerò più un libro che abbia nel titolo la parola "felicità". D'ora in poi preparerò il limoncello e la marmellata di limoni.
D'ora in poi parlerò con il mio migliore amico almeno una volta all'anno.
D'ora in poi troverò sempre l'arcobaleno alle mie spalle dopo un temporale.
D'ora in poi lascerò crescere i miei figli e invecchiare i miei genitori.
D'ora in poi fotograferò donne anziane con un vestito bianco.
D'ora in poi crederò che l'amore e l'umore sono legati,anche se si tratta solo di una vocale.
D'ora in poi scriverò solo di quello che può accadere e purtroppo non è ancora accaduto.
D'ora in poi leggerò solo quello che ha valore relativo e sapore assoluto.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Flash Player For Htc Touch Hd

and here are the results!

 Qualche settimana fa ho visto la proposta di disegnare un albero invernale di Melassa
e subito  abbiamo voluto provarci...solo che nel momento di dipingere il pc era spento, e io non ricordavo più le indicazioni specifici del sottosfondo (per esempio)--avevo solo in mente
il suo bellissimo dipinto.
The paper was not very suitable for watercolor (well were the days),
and we used black as the base of the tree instead of the blue, but we had a world! Molasses
Thanks for the encouragement!
This (above) is the tree of Shanti ...

A James Leo liked it so much that his background ...
... has decided to add just a bit of warm sun and leave it.

Then he made another background in a different way (seeing you did not want to ruin the first one!)
and inspired by the sun of the first

wanted to paint a tree in summer.
And who can blame them?
arcistufi We are all of the continuous gray, snow and cold there in February offers.

The picture on the left is the "tree" of Giovanni
As you can see has been unleashed with a little black ^ - ^ and its tree remained in the black cloud! ;
's background was very successful, but even this is no longer visible, lol.

The following is my first test, which
Shanti said he looked very left from Halloween. There are only
but this is my second winter tree,
made fast to the scraps of color, immediately before placing all away. Inspired by the background of James Leo I wanted to try a more yellow center ...

Then we went to the freehand painting ...
"Summertime" by Shanti ...

"trees and fields to the sun" Giogio ...

an air landscape of James Leo "The view for a buzzard "....
and this, I thought to represent the tree-men;
Shanti that he believed to be men and just, are
Gio (we asked him if in doubt)
Shanti, "but your arms!" and Thu: "No! Those are the leaves!"

Then there are two drawings of James Leo wax (easy to climb trees with branches, and a truck gay )....

a sketch of young and my watercolor-flash with the remains always ...

and this is our snack, made while paint it with the first milking of the year
(ie, milk for the pudding was not to paint: o))!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Iphone How Do I Know If I Need A New Lcd


Cari amici di letture, il mio silenzio, in questi giorni è due to the fact that I was struggling with big decisions. When I think are silent. In these days has materialized the possibility of a transfer to Holland, from August prossino. Before you make the right decision I had to deal with the usual fears that arise on the eve of great change: the inertia, the habit, nostalgia and laziness. Then the decision was made, and then "we start!
I will keep you updated in recent months, and I hope that, once in Holland, this blog will become a bridge to Italy to continue to dialogue and share ideas.
In the meantime, I submit a reading, it is the incipit of a novel that I blend in the head. If you are curious please leave a comment and maybe I will continue to write "live blog", and with your help.
Thank you so much and always be loyal!


The nephew

This is the story of an abandoned house, once full of life as the shell of a snail. If some of the houses with the passage of time look like empty shells, others show bright and brittle bones. They're buildings, damaged, transparent, waiting to collapse or to recover.

The house of my uncle Armando de Tortona is a huge empty shell, a succession of cold rooms and corridors, creaking doors and windows. The keeper, who came to the great wide open peeling door, opened curtains of dust and let in the light from the tax toothless.
He said that everything has remained intact, the lawyer did not allow anyone to enter, waiting for the heir, my decisions. There is much to throw, he added impatiently, old stuff, good to put on weight in mice. Has led me along a corridor and indicated on the bottom of the room with red velvet, the study of the lands of Don Armando Prata Principato Ultra, then walked away whistling, it's all there behind shouted before disappearing behind another door .

the room with red velvet

At sunset the sun turns red along the corridor. It seems un passaggio segreto. A questo punto dovrei aprire la porta ed entrare nello studio che conserva i volumi preziosi di mio zio, l’alchimista Armando de Tortona, nato in quella stessa stanza quasi cento anni fa, da donna Eleonora de Tortona, altissima e ossuta, che lo partorì con un ruggito da leonessa macchiando di sangue le pareti di velluto dello studio.
Eleonora aveva occhi nerissimi, come i miei. Lo zio Armando, invece, era un bambino gracile, quasi trasparente, dagli occhi verdastri come quelli di una palude. La madre lo aveva allattato per quasi cinque anni portandolo attaccato al seno quasi dappertutto, come una pagnotta di pane avvolto in uno straccio: sempre vicino quando si recava al mercato o quando ricamava lenzuola per corredi di females ever born. One day Armand gave a bite on the nipple of Eleanor, leaving a bloodstain on his chest expanded purple instantly, just like a rose bloom. That day she stopped breastfeeding.

Armando age of six he could read and write, knew the names of a large number of medicinal plants and tiny creatures. The mother had covered with precious cloth cover of a notebook, had given him a box of pins that he used them for his collection of insects: butterflies, moths, small holes and creatures of the night. All that ended the book in linen, embroidered sheets between pages reminiscent of a bridal bed.

The garden is now a vegetable garden that mangy compared the farm, lush and generous, embracing the back of the house. There were rows of 'table grapes, pear and apple, apricot and peach trees, rare shrubs. There were red berries on the boundary wall and Armando used to collect continuously for an ointment that was experiencing: he had discovered that small red beads of the bush, the birds poisonous when swallowed mistaking them for raspberries, minor illnesses were cured of stray dogs and Smelly Cat.

The story goes that my great-aunt, Lady Eleonora, one evening after dinner for the event had tasted a sweet jam, one that Armando was coated on the surface of cough, dog covered in ticks that had followed him to the house scratching like a madman. The waitress Marisa
swore he would not have seen her enter the kitchen, said the jar was tightly closed on the last shelf of the pantry with a white label and the word purple which said: "jam to cough." Armando went out that evening in the garden to make sure the dog had enough fresh water for the night. He was sure that the jam of red berries would have brought a great thirst. For this he had tied to a pole, to prevent escape and drowned in a creek to the desire to drink. Cough was standing with his hair sticky and the nose next to a big bucket filled with water that Armando's for the umpteenth time. Marisa
he used to go just before sunset to fill the tub for bathing woman Eleanor evening. At that time of the study, which years ago had brought the little tub, is red because of the velvet that covered the walls. It was her husband, Don Alberto, one evening at sunset, to ask the servants to prepare a bath in that room.

Albert and Eleanor Eleanor's husband was a man of passion and quiet that no one contradicted. He made a few requests but you always get what he wanted. He had green eyes like those of Hogarth, but in them we could see strange flashes of red flames.
Eleanor had gone up Mount of the Virgin, barefoot and with his head covered, imploring the Virgin Mary who gave it to him. She sat on the stone seat of virgins, had sung with red hair loose and her eyes closed. And the Virgin had heard. He continued to dream, to desire it until one evening he had met by chance at Triggio, near the fountain where the laundresses at end of day the men stopped to water the horses. She was sixteen and it was very high, something unusual in those days. The fountain, the girl and her future husband had talked about horses and gallop, sheets and clothes, saddles and skirts. Eleanor became his wife in three weeks. Alberto fell in love with his black eyes that drank l’anima, del suo corpo d’ossa che scricchiolavano senza rompersi in un abbraccio che gli bruciava il sangue.
La gente in paese spettegolò e qualcuno arrivò a dire che Eleonora aveva fatto bere ad Alberto il sangue del mestruo. Solo così – dissero le lingue male - si spiegava la completa infatuazione del giovane rampollo della famiglia dei Tortona, nobile e arida, proprietaria di terre e poderi in tutta la regione, per una ragazza insignificante e povera come lei.
La dote di Eleonora non fu mai mostrata. Venne chiusa in una cassapanca di legno pregiatissimo e chiaro, tutta intagliata a mano, con disegni misteriosi di uccelli e fiori misteriosi. Il marito l’aiutò a sistemarla ai piedi del grande letto nuziale. But soon they decided to place it in the studio, where Albert and Eleanor spent long hours reading and conversation.
Don Alberto had a passion for botany, and among those red velvet walls had enclosed the most popular books with the names and properties of all plants. It was said that he planned to write a book on flowers and Eleanor to help him catalog the species that constantly discovered. But everything in that room at sunset turns red and hour the waiter filled the bathtub with warm water and perfumed for Albert and Eleanor they did before the bathroom and then love.
Albert and Eleanor is a portrait, the author is unknown and untalented, for their eyes chose the black and green trivial. Lacks the depth to the picture of the secrets of Eleanor and the flames in his eyes green Alberto. They seem to couple common but the truth is that never were husband and wife only. The portrait was commissioned by the mother of Albert, the old woman Matilda, who had a habit of hanging on the walls all the faces of his old family in the hope of seeing one day appear cheerful face of a young girl from the look and mild thin lips like her. But Donna Matilde Tortona and all before her, never saw the birth of daughters. Only male: born in the rooms of this huge country house, the little gray and transparent as Armando. Then through the years became strong, thanks to 'exercise and hours spent on horseback, outside, at a gallop on the family lands. It was so that Armando and his father before him, discovered his passion for horses, flowers and plants. Donna Matilda, on his deathbed, had shaken the hands of the young Eleanor, imploring her to give birth to a girl. There were only three weeks and never knew if he succeeded.

come to light in the bath of warm water and fragrant Eleanor's body was hung like a leaf in a pond. You could see the bluish veins on the swollen belly, between her legs and the hair looked like seaweed hands at your sides seemed brilliant tiny fish in search of light.
The evening bath was prepared with meticulous care by the housekeeper, the old Marisa The origins of which nobody could remember. One day Eleanor, with her fingers while crocus flowers embroidered on the linen tablecloth yellow resting on the belly of six months, asked Marisa if she had children and if he had ever helped a woman give birth. Marisa said that all the servants had children and that all uses have helped other women to give birth. But then left the room without another word, and Eleanor did not ask anything more. Marisa
heat water in a large pot blackened by smoke, the fire. From a distance, seemed intent on a sacred rite, but it was only water for the evening bath Alberto ed Eleonora. Alla fontana, ogni sabato, Marisa scendeva a lavare il bucato; era uno sciabordio di lenzuola, asciugamani, federe e camicie da notte. La domenica si rifacevano i letti con le lenzuola profumate di sapone dove all’alba gli sposi si addormentavano esausti tra ricami e aromi. Marisa alla fontana non scambiava parole con nessuno, ma una volta si lasciò sfuggire un sospiro mentre toglieva le lenzuola sporche dalla cesta. Una donna lì accanto, dai seni cadenti e la voce di campana, disse alle compagne che la vecchia Marisa sospirava perché sentiva il profumo dell’amore - Che c’hai, Mari’? Nostalgia de li tempi passati?- ma Marisa aveva continuato a lavare con gli occhi bassi, limitandosi a zittire le lingue male con il gesto di chi allontana mosche da una pietanza, per non dividerla con nessuno.
La luce che entrava nello studio al tramonto era speciale. Ben lo sapeva il bisnonno di Alberto don Antonio de Tortona, che aveva fatto costruire il casale dopo aver sposato una donna minuta e gioviale, Isabella Monticchio, che gli aveva portato in dote una grande quantità di bestiame e una terra su cui lasciarlo tranquillamente a pascolare. Don Antonio aveva detto a Isabellina, così chiamava sua moglie, che delle pecore non sapeva che farsene ma quella terra, così lussureggiante e piena di sole, era l’ideale per costruirci la loro nuova casa. Nel giro di pochi mesi don Antonio aveva progettato, insieme al cugino astronomo, la casa dei sogni: stanze luminose and each in a different light, such as changing the face of a large sundial. His study was the room of sunsets, where all the males of the family would be locked up to study, and imagine when it was the turn of Don Armando swim and love.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Dissolve A Hematoma

here they are in action ....

a couple of pictures ...
from the right, James, Joel and shanti

Joel seems like a conductor ^ _ ^

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Date Is Ati Weekend In Jamaica 2010

What Have We Been doing Lately?

This is a post to be able to list some of the things that happened to us last year (from May onwards, after I finished my plans for the fourth and the first elementary school year 2009-2010). While I was looking (forward) in Internet scuolafamigliare Italian people who practiced with older children, I discovered a blog that came very close to what I wanted my children to live with this reality in the Italian scuolafamigliare. buntglas Read ; now and then also buntblume I discovered a more firm ground on which to stand.

Yes, because I felt a little lost! It is not easy to follow your instincts Baby, its time and interest and at the same time meet the local school leadership, especially with older kids ... but the world is full of interesting things, and they know that the school offers the same things year after year - it's just a matter of time before a child comes to be interested in everyone, especially if parents know what is required and the offer, reproduce in a natural way through the years, as gifts scattered around the house .^-^.

The study of poppies in the 'garden, we have designed a saco from life, photos of the results as soon as I can download ... Meanwhile, here's a nice picture:

"the poppies are high, high, high and you're little "(photo by summerroad on Etsy)

with the arrival of warmer temperatures at, James was fascinated to discover the various life forms that grow slowly in tanks 'rainwater garden:
and so, he went to the discovery of the life cycle of mosquitoes ... (photo by paulehewlett on etsy)

with the visit of a Japanese lady delicious, Yuko, we learned a lot about Japan, too many words! but most of all gave us a new interest in everything Italian! La Manna of Ash, especially growing up in Sicily, another link here

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Catchybrithday Phrases


... just silence

dumb like a child waiting in a spider hole
a hardened crust of bread
a stain on the wall faded

mold on Wall
the voice on the radio of a priest
the rain on the windows of the train

the tail of a dog and flies
a key in the bottom of the pockets

arrotalati snakes among the rocks
the distant echo of the rocks

have to be patient with life
an orange hanging from a branch outside

bitter peel the cloves in red.

Odeon Cineplex Senior Rate


To thee, O Lord, I show my wounds, you discover my shame. I know my sins are many and great, for which I'm afraid. I hope in your mercies without number.
Look down at me with eyes of thy mercy, O Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal King, God and man, that thou wast crucified for man. Hear me, because I hope in you, have mercy on me full of misery and sin, you who never ceases to bring forth the source of mercy.
Hi, victim or the Salvation Army, offered on the gallows of the Cross per me e per tutto il genere umano. Salve, o nobile e prezioso Sangue, che sgorghi dalle ferite dei mio crocifisso Signore Gesù Cristo e lavi i peccati di tutto il mondo.
Ricordati, o Signore, della tua creatura, che hai redento col tuo Sangue. Mi pento di aver peccato e desidero di rimediare a ciò che ho fatto. Togli dunque da me, o clementissimo Padre, tutte le mie iniquità ed i miei peccati, affinché, purificato di mente e di corpo, meriti di gustare degnamente il Santo dei santi; e concedimi che questa santa partecipazione dei Corpo e dei Sangue tuo, che io, sebbene indegno, intendo di ricevere, sia remissione dei miei peccati, perfetta purificazione dei miei delitti, fuga dei cattivi pensieri, rigenerazione dei buoni sentimenti, salutare efficacia di opere che ti piacciano, sicura tutela dell'anima e dei corpo contro le insidie dei miei nemici.
Così sia.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Create Phone Line Extensions

Devolgari Displei ov Depauer

The Crazy: when the sky is all red .. dick looks or the way you fall into the ditch ...
Other Crazy: qualdo the sky and 'brown, warm in the oven a beautiful brick
The Mad : if you look at the peacock's tail, you can exclaim, "tho' a bird of fashion."
The Crazy: Scricco if the oil in a pan of pants you can make with the pancake.
Other Crazy: if it boils water lobster whistles, you reach a hill on a bike and shoot the fray
The Crazy: see the light of the lamp wobbles, it makes me want to saw the cut in seven
What a mare Sano: la moral del contadino, ove osa il guardacaccia, tieni in mano il pistolino quasi fosse una focaccia
L'altro Pazzo : se la pancia emette l'odor acre dell'arancia, mi par ovvio e sincero, urlar a squarciagola pel sentier, almen fin quando all'albero non accosti il seder
Il Pazzo :se il collo rotondo possiedi, e inutile girar fra capo e piedi, e sicuro e soncertante hai ingoiato un buon volante.
L'altro Pazzo: e' da quand'eri pargolo, che ti vedo camminar a svirgolo, sembra strano ma e' pur sempre meraviglia, vederti camminar non col piede ma con la caviglia.
L'altro Pazzo: mi par chiaro e non mistero che il tuo culo e' proprio nero, ma di strano even at a light, you in the ass you have feathers, it seems to me clear and mystery you have calimero in the ass!
The Crazy: of wood in the forest vo running, and all around and green and brown, so here is wonderful fly down the ravine.
healthy one: the sad eyes of circeto, while swimming in vinegar, the bright eyes of the seal, as he pulls his Coke. The red eye of the jaguar, after her grandmother said "Fire!" The eye missed the mare after the brawl in the barn
The Crazy: chaffinch gay ciungettava joy as the bull with the butt.
Other Crazy: The green eye of the frog, lynched by the kid, scream when dell'allocco There was the seventh stroke
The Crazy: Running fast for my milan, every beggar with a hand ax's cable
healthy one: Poo pupu, Brown you if you have the ogre, then blue.
The Crazy: take a Smurf, He filled it with chocolate, and put it in the ass good gragamella.
Other Crazy: fuck, shit and firecracker all in your head to a beautiful body that dart from a crossbow will end 'straight into the window to cool the gym where there's' soup.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Witty Saying For Save The Date Cards

mens sana giveaway

'm starting my third post with a giveaway of Mens Sana, who is celebrating its 300th post!
The "sweet" prize are books that make me beautiful Acqualina in the mouth (can you say that ?).^-^

I can say I'm proud of myself? I managed to upload a picture of a healthy mind! Hurrah!
Maybe now I'll find time to post the photos.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Example Letter For Wedding Bags

Messaggio del 2 febbraio 2011 ( Mirjana )

Cari figli, vi radunate intorno a me, cercate la vostra strada, cercate, cercate la verità, ma dimenticate la cosa più importante: dimenticate di pregare correttamente. Le vostre labbra pronunciano parole senza numero, ma il vostro spirito non prova nulla. Vagando nelle tenebre, immaginate anche Dio stesso secondo il vostro modo di pensare e non quale è veramente nel suo Amore. Cari children, true prayer comes from the depth of your heart, from your suffering, your joy, by your request for forgiveness of sins. This is the way to true knowledge of God and therefore also of themselves, because they're created in His image. Prayer will lead to the fulfillment of my desire, my mission with you here, unity in the family of God I thank you.