Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Small Lightweight Sturdy Tripod

slowly dying ... Read

Slowly dies who does not change gear
He or she who does not put the arrow when svolta
Lentamente muore chi non tira il freno a mano in discesa
Chi sbaglia nell'usare la presa
Chi gli casca in testa un'obesa, la casa o la torre di Pisa
Muore lentamente chi non fa come la Marcuzzi
E se non riesce ad andare in bagno, se la tiene tutta dentro
Muore lentamente chi non si leva prontamente da sotto il casco della permanente
Muore più velocemente chi mette le dita nella presa di corrente
Chi non si sposta quando cascano le piante
E chi mangia le amanite velenose al ristorante
Muore lentamente tanta bella gente
Ma c'è anche
E you know
A gang of balls that never dies.
Luciana Littizzetto.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Near Charles Playhouse Dinner Boston

Reading is getting inside the card and navigate in the letters, reading is to be late to school to finish the chapter, reading is not sleeping and getting hurt the eyes to do so. Reading is why we must stop being scold, is to go read the book anywhere, read and cherish the pages once you finished the story, read and sleep to dream of history, reading is to have the dreamy look throughout the day, we read and hear the wind sitting on the leather chair near the fireplace. Reading is to buy a light bulb and stay hidden awake until 4 am, reading is cry when they take away the book, read and draw at random players.
Reading is to invent, to dream, to live.